How to Turn Impostor Syndrome into Epic Creative Success with Nick Demos
Have you ever wondered if there might be a process for generating creative success from within, even when you have to face major roadblocks along the way? My guest today, Nick Demos, has spent his entire life exploring questions like this one. And he's come on to the show to share so many different stories and ideas with us inside this very entertaining episode. He's got so much to inspire us with, so stay tuned!
Nick Demos is a Tony Award winning producer, Documentary Filmmaker, Soul Aligned Business Coach and host of The Nick Demos Show Podcast. With over a decade of teaching meditation, yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has traveled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a 7 figure business in between. Nick guides online entrepreneurs to effectively use storytelling in their marketing so they can manifest profitable businesses and be visible thought leaders.
• [3:45] “Each moment of your life draws you to the next moment, which draws you deeper into who you are…”
• [11:43] “There was this inner knowing. I think it was the quiet voice within. And it's before I even understood what that was.”
• [13:10] Nick shares how imposter syndrome crept in and made him question what he was doing.
• [18:01] “I had to actually go onto a stage and be fully me. And I did not know how to do it. And it was incredibly exposing.”
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Dr. Christine Li -
Nick Demos -
Christine Li 0:01
Welcome back to the Make Time for Success podcast. This is episode number 97. Have you ever wondered if there might be a process for generating creative success from within, even when you have to face major roadblocks along the way? My guest today, Nick Demos, has spent his entire life exploring questions like this one. And he's come on to the show to share so many different stories and ideas with us inside this very entertaining episode. He's got so much to inspire us with and I find him to be an incredibly inspiring person. Nick is a Tony Award winning producer, documentary filmmaker, Soul aligned business coach, and host of the Nick Demos Show podcast. With over a decade of teaching meditation, yoga and creativity, as well as 30 years in the entertainment industry. He has traveled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and has built a seven figure business in between Nick guides, online entrepreneurs to effectively use storytelling in their marketing, so they can have profitable businesses, and be visible thought leaders as well. Nick is talent and exploration personified. And I can't wait to share this episode and him with you now.
Hi, I'm Dr. Christine Li, and I'm a psychologist and a procrastination coach. I've helped 1000s of people move past procrastination and overwhelm so they can begin working to their potential. In this podcast, you're going to learn a powerful strategies for getting your mind, body and energy to work together so that you can focus on what's really important, and accomplish the goals you want to achieve. When you start living within your full power, you're going to see how being productive can be easy, and how you can create success on demand. Welcome to the Make Time for Success podcast.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I oftentimes forget, I think that there are gentlemen listening, but thank you for being here, too. This is Christine Li. And today, I have been laughing a lot already because I've been chatting with my special guest, Nick Demos, just getting to know him a little bit better, and sharing experiences with each other and just getting prepped for this interview, which I think is going to be hysterical, informative, and inspiring. That is my bet. Nick, welcome to the show.
Nick Demos 2:43
Oh, my gosh, okay, first of all, thank you so much for having me. And, yes, I agree with all those things that you just said, Because you are all of those things. And so therefore, how could it not be that way in this interview?
Christine Li 2:58
Thank you so much, Nick. So Nick is a wonder a very talented person, my colleague, and I just think we're going to get to know him. And then we're going to end up learning from him. But I think it's all going to be intertwined. So Nick, can you share with us just the first piece of you what you would like to start off with, and I want to get to know all the different sides and the history and what you've got to teach us today. So start anywhere.
Nick Demos 3:29
Yeah, you know what, I think I'll start at the let's start at the very beginning. You know, that sound of music very beginning, let's start at the very beginning only because it's really informative of how I came to be who I am today. Basically, you know, each moment of your life, as they say draws you to the next moment, which draws you into deeper into who you are. And as a kid, I'm going that far back watch out world. As a kid, I was this big storyteller, always. i My mother tells it that I would jump up on the table, and I would pronounce all of the Grimms fairy tales. I would I would give full on performance of the Grimms fairy tales. And she knew immediately that that's what I was going to do. By 16 years old, I was a professional dancer. We lived across the street from a dance teacher. And I used to go watch now this was in rural Montana, right in the 70s, early 80s. Cowboy land and I used to go watch the girls with a dance with their dance slippers on and I would always want to have them you know. And finally one day the dancers used to get up. And I did and this was not necessarily well received in rural Montana that I a young boy was dancing but I persevered. And by 16 I was a professional. And at 90 moved to New York City, full time to be a dancer after having gone on the road with a national tour of a show. And I think what's so interesting about that is that I was so fearless. You know, when you are that age, I'm no longer that age, as you know, when you're that age, there is this for freedom, this of expression for me, this freedom of being who I was, even even with the quote, unquote, bullying before we called it that, right? Even with all of that, I felt this drive this determination, this, I'm going to be the best boy in the entire world. And I think in many ways, it was because of that bullying, because of the lack of understanding because of all that, that this best little boy persona, and yes, perfectionist came out. And at 19, moving to New York with $800, and a suitcase, and my dance shoes. It was very Peggy Sawyer from 42nd. Street. Yes, totally. And I didn't know what I didn't know. I hadn't I'd never been to New York City before here. I was this country boy never been to New York City before. I didn't know anybody. To people I didn't know uptown from downtown. It was really an incredible eye opening and crazy time in my life. Fearless, fearless,
Christine Li 6:51
brave, very brave, just like the Broadway show.
Nick Demos 6:56
Well, I wonder was it brave? Or was it really just sort of like this? The the ignorance of it of just like, why couldn't I wait? Why shouldn't I? Why can't I tackle Broadway? Why can I live on my own at this point in my life? You know, my mother cried. I remember her crying when I got on the plane. Now I get it. You know, now I can look back and say, oh, yeah, that 19 year old boy was going to up very foreign land. And that, you know, that was before the internet before things were very different than right we didn't we didn't have the same kind of knowledge or even connection. So that led me to being a dancer Broadway for about eight years, I was a backup dancer, I backup dancers for Aretha Franklin and CeCe Penniston and some people but I was doing the Radio City Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes, you know, kicking the legs. And there I was onstage. And it's a very, very overwhelming schedule. You do at least three to five shows a day. And these aren't, these aren't short shows are an hour and a half to two hours long. If you've ever seen the show, it's a it is a spectacular show. It's fantastic. It really, really is. And it was lovely to be a part of right. But in the show the director had we were in these, there's this Nutcracker ballet, so and the Nutcracker ballet, everyone's in like bear head costumes, right? So I'm in this Russian doll bear head costume. And the director has to jump from a trampoline onto the stage and do a Russian jump in between. It's just like a toe touch. And I'm doing this and my I'm 26 years old, and my back is hurting. And I'm in pain. And it's Christmas. It's Christmas. And I remember it being Christmas day and you jump onto the stage. And then it's a big number grid on the floor. There are all these numbers because it's such a huge production, you can get injured so quickly, right? There's these numbers on the floor, and you have to find your number. And my bare head is falling down over my eyes and I can't see my number and it's Christmas and I'm in pain and I'm looking on the floor and I'm trying to find my number and I can't find it. And suddenly, I burst into tears in my in my bare head. The tears are rolling down my cheek. And I get off stage when when the number is complete. And I remember this so clearly vividly. I took off the bear hat and I remember looking in the mirror in my dressing room mirror and saying this is not your life. This isn't the life that you want to live, you have to make a change. And basically, a week later, when the show closed, I got on the phone old school again and called every single theater I've ever worked at in my entire life and said, I'm a director and a choreographer now. And one of the theaters said which just lost our choreographer. Why don't you come down to Florida, and choreograph this production of Godspell. And a month later, I began my new journey, my new career as a director, choreographer, within one year, I fully transitioned, it happens so fast. And this is now in retrospect, seven or 11. So ridiculous. But it did. And three years later, I'm at a theater in the middle of Oklahoma, in Oklahoma City. And another, I'm 20, or 28. Now, so three, two and a half years later. And as I'm at the theater, they fire the artistic director of the theater. And they turned to me and they say, we loved your shows the last two years that you've been here years have been the most successful? Will you consider taking over the theater for a year while we do a national search? Ah, hell yeah, sure, I will. And that began my next chapter of being a producer. So it was a wild ride from dancer to director to producer in a very short period of time. And a part of that, and the majority of that was just saying, yes, yes.
Christine Li 11:16
Okay. What part have you allowed yourself to jump that first time from the bear costume to the next step? What enabled you to say, like, I'm going to switch this, I'm gonna, I know you were in a in a sad spot, and back aching spot. But What gave you that ability to say, I'm just going to transform in
Nick Demos 11:43
this way? I think there was this inner knowing. I think it was the quiet voice within. And it's before I even understood what that was. Right? At that point. I didn't have tools to even understand what that meant. But I think that there was this trust that I had, in the deepest part of myself, that I had to listen. It was the same trust that I had, that when I had 19, that I just knew I had to go. Now part of me was running that time running away from being a gay boy in the middle of Montana, right. And the second time, that transition was a run to not a run from, it felt very different, honestly. But yet, it was still that same voice inside that I could just just by listening. I knew I like I knew that there was no other way almost.
Christine Li 12:40
Okay, so I understand the inner voice part. But then what about the thing or the experience that people label imposter syndrome, where you're moving into a different level, different skill set different authority in in the hierarchy? You're occupying a totally different role in a brand new way? And just kind of making it happen? How did you bypass that? If you did?
Nick Demos 13:10
So, you know, in impostor syndrome, when there's that first bit where you have immediate success and some quick success, because you don't know what you don't know, I had some quick success, because I didn't know what I didn't know. And then, after the success happened, that's when the imposter syndromes sunk in. It wasn't right. It wasn't at first. At first, it was like, I'm gonna make this happen. And so I did. Right. It was after that, that I began to question what I was doing. Because before that, I didn't know that I could, that I needed to wash or should I think part of that was my youth. Part of that was my naivete about being a boy from Montana, right? Who didn't really fully understand the world that I was even playing. And I didn't understand. I didn't I didn't get it. In many ways. I was almost like, naive to what could go wrong. And so I go ahead,
Christine Li 14:09
naive to New York and Broadway. And all of that right Sony
Nick Demos 14:13
and so naive to New York and Broadway and sort of like the that sort of idea or that of almost climbing the ladder and all the I took these these hops, these leaps, and part of it was because I wasn't playing the game. Yeah, I wasn't playing it the way everyone else was playing it. Yes. And then so then when I got to a certain level, that's when it sat in up. Oh, I actually have to deliver something now. I may be maybe I need to go get some help. Right. Like that was a different sort of experience.
Christine Li 14:50
Yes. Okay. And then you are making me think of kind of what was the network around you like when you needed it? How did you feel Find the help. And how did you allow yourself to access and ask for it when you needed it?
Nick Demos 15:06
Yeah, I think that there were a couple of couple of things happened. One was that some mentors naturally began to show up for me. And I was very fortunate in that sense that people came out of the woodwork and said things to me like, Hey, do you need any help with this? I don't think they saw that I was struggling as much as they just probably intuitively knew that as somebody so young to have so much responsibility, that likely I might need some help. And I remember this man, Wayne, he set me aside one day, I was at like a conference. And he set me aside and he said, you're very, very young to be doing what you're doing. And I said, Yeah, I kind of got that. I know. And, and he said, just know that they don't know any more than you do. And I that took something that that helps me in a way, because I think that that when that impostor syndrome did sit down, I thought, Oh, I don't know anything. I don't know. And what what the Wayne shared with me, made me realize, Oh, we're all just making it up. Right? We're all just Yes, there are some structural things and that you can learn and of course, your knowledge and all of that. But at the end of the day, we're all just figuring this out together.
Christine Li 16:27
But also that there's no reason to assume that you know, less, because you're young.
Nick Demos 16:32
Yes, exactly.
Christine Li 16:35
Okay, so you are an amazing communicator. Now, and as I know, you, but I've only known you for a smidge in time, what kind of communication barriers that you have to work through within yourself, to help you rise and succeed and create the wonderful things that you have.
Nick Demos 16:58
So the very speaking of that theater in Oklahoma, they wanted a curtain speech before the show, and I don't know if you know what a curtain speeches, but it's when the artistic director or the executive director of the theater comes out. And they, you know, they give a little pre speech, I was scared out of my mind about it, like, it was so scary to me here, I was an actor, right, you would think as an actor, you'd be fine going on stage and talking. But it is two very, very different things. And I made them drag a podium out. And I held onto the podium for dear life, like I was shaking, and sweating. And I mean, I had to learn to be okay, in my own skin. Because I had, for all those years been hiding everything from my sexuality to abuse that I'd had in my childhood to, you know, all those levels, were all hidden in these characters that I played, and then in the art that I created. And now here, I had to actually go onto a stage and be fully me. And I did not know how to do it. And it was incredibly exposing. And from that really was just experience of doing it over and over and over again. I at that point did not go take a public speaking course or what have you. Because I was always able to tell a story, like we were saying, always able to communicate in some way. But I had what I really did was dig into my personal practice into my spiritual practice. That's what shifted things for me. And that, that was a that was a big process.
Christine Li 18:41
Can you tell us more about that part? What does that look like? What did that consist of? And what does it consist of now?
Nick Demos 18:51
So I think I was always a seeker of sorts for as long as as long as I can remember, I was reading books, everything from Louise Hay to Marianne Williamson to sort of in that 90s New Age period, I was very into all of that. Right? During the artists way you name it. But I found yoga through the gym. I was like look peering in and I saw these people look really great. And my dancer self was like, Oh, maybe I should do that not realizing that there was this spiritual aspect to it right, I sought from the physical, that physical brought me in, and that inward life that it offered that way of looking at the self, the self actualization process, and I began to practice almost regularly right away. And that really was the turning point because for me, it became about embodiment. I could read and read and read and read and read but I needed to embody it. I think part of that dancer in me that physical I needed that connection, that yoga yoke connection And I needed I that was desperately seeking that. And while I was in Oklahoma, there were only at that time, two yoga classes a day in the entire city, literally in the entire city at that time to one at nine in the morning at one and five o'clock. Well, I worked, right. I was like, I can't do that. I can't, you know, me and the housewives when I went, but you know, I don't mean that. And I don't that sounded really derogatory. But you know, the type that I'm talking about. Anyway, I was putting like DVD videos in and I built this yoga shanty in my backyard, like with the shed from Home Depot. And I was like, really like, and I was studying, reading everything I could on the on yogic principles and philosophy, the texts, the ancient texts. And so I decided to take a month off from my job and go back to New York, and take a teacher training. And when I did, I was in the training, and it was really a fantastic experience. And I'm sitting in meditation. And again, that voice, that voice came to me, and what it said very clearly, when I say came to me, I just listened was you don't need to take a month off. You need to quit your job and move back to New York. Okay, and when that voice comes up, I listen. And so it took me about a year, honestly. Because it's like, oh, no, no, I have a job with full benefits in the theater. I can't do this, my parents will kill me. Right? You know, nobody has benefits in the theater. Nobody has a steady paycheck 401k and but I realized that, that that's what needed to happen. And so I gave them a year notice in Oklahoma, and they began a search and I started a production company, and began to transition back to New York. And one of the one of the things that I did was I became a producer of a musical called Memphis. And a year later, after I quit my job a year later, I was back in New York. And the show won the Tony for Best Musical. So another turning point, speaking of turning points is I'm in the audience at the Tony Awards. And Bernadette Peters, never forget it, opens the opens, opens it up and says Memphis. And we stood up to go up onto the stage, the producing team and I was there was so much excitement, and I stood up and I had there's this great steal of a CBS still like that they caught of this moment on the broadcast of my face. And it is neither sad, nor happy. I was blank. And I remember in that moment, what was going on in my head, my in the moment, my head was two things. One, Oh, thank God, my investors are going to make their money back. The business person in me. And the second part was, this isn't supposed to feel like this. This is it. This is it. This is all this is. I worked all my life for this moment. And this is the feeling this is not what I this is not what I wanted. And I'm walking up onto the stage as I'm having this conversation with myself. And so that was another huge turning point. Because after that, that's when the real work began. Because that best little boy that we were talking about from you know, way back when
the all that validation, I was thinking all of that, that, that it still wasn't it. That's when I read that the spiritual practice really began. And that's when I went and studied with the teacher, I went and lived with the teacher and really dug into a deep personal practice that consisted of yes, the what we in the West think of as yoga as the asana postures, but also breath work, pranayama meditation, and even deeper study and really I know that you're a big proponent of a morning practice a morning routine, right? And, and that was a sadhana. That's like that's a traditional sadhana is a practice that you're given by your teacher to do every single morning. And that began really what I really consider my my sort of deep practice because it was really about me sitting in my ish every morning, and whether I liked it or not rain shine sickness health, I sat in it and began to discover who I really was. Without all of the external stuff.
Christine Li 25:11
I really liked the ish concept and what you did there, because I think I have been thinking about the morning routine. And what I recently heard that when we wake, we kind of need to be connected to something bigger and reminded of that, which I thought was interesting. But I have not thought that we have to sit with our ish during that practice, as well, because it's so many things, right? It's kind of your time to be with yourself to imagine what could be to center yourself to prepare. But also with the morning, things like the morning pages is also kind of deal with the stuff that you have to tangle with tango with tango
Nick Demos 26:02
with both Tango tango? Yeah, both.
Christine Li 26:05
Yeah. And so I appreciate the ish stuff. And may I ask how did your creativity benefit from that concentrated effort that you made, to sit with your ish to do the practice to become a teacher, and to learn these different practices,
Nick Demos 26:28
my creativity, exploded, it flourished. So because up to that point, I had been doing everything out of the the feeling of or this need, or this desire for perfection. When I let go of the perfection, and I sat in the emotions, when I sat in the reality of who I was, that's when everything shifted. And that's when I suddenly began to write I wrote a book, suddenly, I was I created two documentaries, I started an online business, my the entire world went from this sort of narrow focus and not in in, you know, in marketing terms in a niche way, I was way more niche back then. But my my life, and who I was expanded in such a huge way. And, and it's because of sitting in the fish, it's because of examining it on a daily basis. You know, the wonderful thing about the morning practice is that it's setting your vibration. Right? You wake out of bed, and some days, you feel great. We love those days. And some days, we feel like crap, right? I don't want to get out of bed today, I don't want to do it today. And you sit down, and you do these practices. And when you do these practices, you shift your energy, or at least you come very aware of where your energy is, so that when you walk out the door, you're aware of where you're at. And so you become nonreactive to that which is thrown at you, every day we walk out and stuffs gonna happen. Right? That it that you can't control anything about your reaction. And what the practice does is teaches you to know yourself well enough that you know that it's okay, that you know that what however reactionary you become, you're gonna be okay.
Christine Li 28:27
Yes, I love what you just said. And I'm thinking the way that I tend to teach the people that I work with is that if you don't have even five or 10 minutes of that, then what happens is you're typically racing into the formal work ish day. And that's all there is because that feels endless, especially lately. And so then where is that time for you to feel like there are other options for you to create for you to be yourself, for you to be relaxed for you to not feel like you're answering to other people. And I think just even five minutes is really crucial.
Nick Demos 29:10
Absolutely, it does not need to be an hour practice. It doesn't even need to be 20 minutes. I know they say the 20 minute thing. No, five minutes, can you if you can't do five minutes, can you do three? Can you sit and breathe for a minute? And if you can't off yourself five minutes, that's something for you to really consider and really look at in terms of how are you nurturing yourself let's talk about self care. There's a lot of self care chat right in the world. How are you nurturing yourself when you get out of bed in the morning? How are you nurturing your body your mind your spirit? Are you we all can be guilty of this picking up the phone first thing what is the intake? How are you nurturing What are you that's that's what you're feeding yourself. So when you feed yourself some self care some self love Have?
Christine Li 30:01
Yes. And I think many of us are just not trained, or even inclined to look in that direction. So it feels honestly, like a waste of time, or some gobbledygook, and something that is wasted rather than the most essential, precious fuelling stuff that we can get.
Nick Demos 30:28
Now I will say this, when I did decide to do it, and I sat in it, it wasn't easy. It was not easy. I'm not gonna lie to you. It wasn't like, you know, I wasn't pooping unicorns, right. Like, it wasn't like, Oh, you'd be recording some fairies? Oh, no, it was hard. And it got at because I went into the fire, so to speak, and had to really deal with some stuff. And then the creativity flourished, right? There were there was a period of darkness there. Dark Night of the Soul. If we, you know, going into the storytelling, I had to go through that. Now, some days, it feels amazing. Just like getting out of bed. And some days, it feels like a little, you know, oh, gosh, I gotta go do the practice. But I always feel better after it's a little like going to the gym, you know, like you like if I could just get myself there. Because when I go, I always enjoy it. But sometimes I've got to like push myself to get out the door. It's not even out the door with the practice in the morning. It's just doing it.
Christine Li 31:36
Yes, yes, thank you for reinforcing all of this, I hope we have kind of conveyed how we need to make time for this, even when it doesn't feel like we can. So and it does not have to be perfect. That's something that I've been trying to convey that it doesn't even have to be consistent. It just has to kind of happen. So it is your zone for creativity and for setting yourself up for what is next. And I think we learn bits and pieces of that. Even though we're not necessarily trained into that in our families, or by schools or careers, that there are signs from the universe, that this is what is needed, there are signs from our body, oftentimes, or our body's failing us sometimes that this stuff is needed. And even in every breath, we can see the comfort that can come when we know Oh, I have enough breath, oh, I can restore myself with a breath. It's just magical. And I'm appreciating all the learning that I'm doing with my guests. And with this part of my life that I happen to be in right now where I'm getting a lot of this, I'm getting a lot of feedings of information, and just all the sharing, and the possibilities that we are kind of swimming in these days post COVID, about kind of post COVID. And in this zone of really just exploring, really what am I doing? Where am I going? What do I need? And who do I need to be? Who do I want to be? Yeah, and I love your story. Thank you for sharing it in such a beautiful and delightful and deep detail. Because that is not easy. In public, I think and with someone relatively new to you, too. Could you share with us now we'll switch a little bit into what you're doing professionally now. And how that lights you up in this new way and what you would like to share with our audience about that work?
Nick Demos 33:48
Yeah. So basically what I did was, I began as the creativity began to expand, I realized, Oh, I was going in 5000 different directions, right. And I needed to find a way to bring it all together. Not only because I was like there was like there was spaghetti splattered all over the wall, right? It was like, Oh, well, that one sticking that one sticking, but also just for me to be to be and feel fully integrated. And also, I felt this deep calling to now be the mentor. Right now be Wayne, right to now help people. And so I took my life, my life, my parts and pieces and began bringing it all together. And so now I work with entrepreneurs, primarily healers, artists, coaches, and I help them create their story so that they can share their story in a way that will resonate with people. And I do that through a course called Real stories that sell and a coaching program. I'm, and I am an artist, I'm always have been, and always will be. Like I said, I have documentaries, I have two documentaries, one's about to break this year and be released this year, and the second one next year. And I'm still involved in the theater. So I have basically created a media company that has different pieces and parts to it. And behind all of it really, is the idea of service of the soul of sharing stories, 108 million stories told because of the ripple effect, that that will then create 108 million more out.
Christine Li 35:43
I love it. And it's beautiful, and it feels enormous. But it also feels like perfectly sized for you that this was a reflection of your talent and your vibe and your energy and who you are and where you've been, you know, like that. It's not too big for you. It's not, it's not to multi-dimensional for you. It just is what you want to bring, which I will thank
Nick Demos 36:09
you I really appreciate that. I think as a, you know, going coming full circle back as a child, when I got up on the table, I was oftentimes told I was too much. Right? That was that was too big, too much sit down. Right? And now by you saying that, to me, that is in many ways, honoring that. No, it's not too much. And no, you don't need to sit down. So I really appreciate that
Christine Li 36:33
feedback. Yeah, no. And thank you for being the mentor for people who are really wanting to keep that dream and that dreaming, active and powerful, and fully spoken. Because I think in this episode, you've showed us kind of the power that you can own when you work on that energy. And that strength from within that you possess, no matter where you grew up, no matter what your career is, right, I think you would have found your voice no matter which path you would have taken. Because you're someone who was curious about what is involved in this. How, how is this going? Where's this taking me? And does it feel like it's supposed to feel and trusting that that knowing was not going to steer you radically in the wrong direction? Which I think is the through line that that was always there with you?
Nick Demos 37:33
Yeah, it's like a GPS, right? You know, it's your inner GPS, and you can listen, or you can not. And sometimes when you listen to the inner GPS, it takes you the direct route. But if not, you'll go off course. And guess what, it's always going to redirect you back anyway. You're gonna get there, it just might take a little longer. And you might go down some weird, windy, windy roads, but you'll find your way back. Yes.
Christine Li 37:59
What would you say to the creative people listening? Professionally creative or not?
Nick Demos 38:08
We're all creative.
Christine Li 38:10
Yes. Which is what I was trying to say that what would you say to them if they feel like this conversation has made them realize in big letters that they're sitting on something that they shouldn't be? Or that could be released? What would you say to them?
Nick Demos 38:27
If they're sitting on something that should be released, you're out you're saying
Christine Li 38:31
or that they're there. They're still there? They're kind of they're, they're not feeling up to the task there. It's not there. They're doubting themselves somehow,
Nick Demos 38:42
okay. Yeah, I would say take a baby step. Take a baby step. And then take the next step. And the next step. And as you take those steps, I want you to cheer yourself on. Because here's the thing when a baby takes its first step, what do we do? We stand up, and we say, oh, my gosh, you're amazing. Come on, come on. One more, take one more, take one more. And yet, when we take those baby steps, we say, Well, that wasn't very good. You didn't get far enough. You suck. Right? Sit back down. Exactly. So it's just take one step. And then let it be as small or as big as you're ready to take. And then take the next one and the next one. Because creativity is a process and a practice. It is absolute practice. And the more that you baby, step walk, you then suddenly realize that you're running as a creative and then suddenly, you're running and you're jogging and you're in the Olympics. And you didn't even realize how you got there because you're looking inside. You're like, whoa, I'm running.
Christine Li 39:59
I love it. Thank you for that gift. Thank you for the gift of your presence on this show and your time with me today. I'm giving you a big hug across the screen and across the airwaves which we both share. Can you please now tell our listeners how they can listen to your podcast and stay connected with you and potentially work with you?
Unknown Speaker 40:20
Yeah, absolutely. So I'm always on the Instagrams and the TikTok like you are now on the TED Talk. and my website is at the Nicodemos, the And my show is simply The Nico Demos show. So, okay, thank you so much for having me. It was a beautiful conversation with you.
Christine Li 40:42
You are so welcome. I am so grateful to have had this conversation with you. I can't wait for your upcoming documentary. I wish you all the best in that your work with your students and with your inner self, everyone. Let's say goodbye for this episode. And please let me know let let Nico know, on Instagram on the web. What you thought of this episode, what it stirred up in you send us messages and we will communicate right back with you. Thank you so much for listening. I'll see you next week.
Thank you for listening to this episode of the Make Time forSsuccess podcast. If you enjoyed what you've heard, you can subscribe to make sure you get notified of upcoming episodes. You can also visit our website for past episodes, show notes and all the resources we mentioned on the show. Feel free to connect with me over on Instagram too. You can find me there under the name procrastination coach. Send me a DM and let me know what your thoughts are about the episodes you've been listening to end let me know any topics that you might like me to talk about on the show. I'd love to hear all about how you're making time for success. We'll talk to you soon!
Transcribed by

Nick Demos
Nick Demos is a Tony Award winning producer, Documentary Filmmaker, Soul Aligned Business Coach and host of The Nick Demos Show Podcast. With over a decade of teaching meditation, yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a 7 figure business in between. Nick guides online entrepreneurs to effectively use storytelling in their marketing so they can manifest profitable businesses and be visible thought leaders.