Juice Power: How to Make Time for Health and Prioritize Wellness with Kimmye Bohannon
In this podcast episode, Kimmye Bohannan, CEO and founder of The Weekly Juicery joins Dr. Li to discuss her journey of starting a juicing company over a decade ago when juicing was not mainstream. Listen in as Kimmye shares how she quickly experienced the transformative power of juicing when she began making it for herself to improve her health and how that turned into a thriving business. Stay tuned as Kimmye discusses the importance of her commitment to not compromising on the quality of ingredients and as she highlights the health benefits of juicing, including reducing biological age.
Kimmye Bohannon is a serial juice drinker, CEO of The Weekly Juicery, and the creator of The Juice Ritual, The Guided Juice Experience and the Chasing Good Health programs. Before starting The Weekly Juicery, Kimmye worked at JPMorgan Chase in investments and risk management. In 2012, she started making juice and delivering it to friends' doorsteps so they could experience the power of organic juice. Today, The Weekly Juicery delivers juice to doorsteps all over the USA. The Weekly Juicery has made over 1 million bottles of juice and helped thousands of people start chasing good health instead of waiting on disease!
•[3:10] Kimmye shares why she started a juice business after noticing improved health and energy from drinking green juice daily.
•[8:55] Christine & Kimmye discuss how breaking through to a healthier lifestyle requires a mindset shift and a willingness to make changes, such as prioritizing self-care and adopting a whole-foods diet.
•[9:47] “People in their lives are doing one of two things… They are waiting on disease or they are chasing good health. And you can't be doing both at the same time.”
•[14:58] Kimmye emphasizes the importance of simple lifestyle habits, such as moving after eating and following a Keto-leaning diet with plants to reclaim control over health trajectory and aging.
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Kimmy Bohannon
Website: https://www.theweeklyjuicery.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theweeklyjuicery
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimmye-bohannon-a00036139/
Kimmye’s gift to listeners - $50 off of the juice experience: https://maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com/juice
Christine Li 0:01
Welcome back to the Make Time for Success podcast. This is episode number 149.
If you're interested in a very easy way to elevate your health and wellness please stay tuned for the rest of the episode. Today I have Kimmye Bohannan as my special guest. Kimmye is not just a serial juice drinker but also the CEO of the Weekly Juicery and the mastermind behind incredible programs like The Juice Ritual, The Guided Juice Experience and The Chasing Good Health Programs. Before her journey with juice, Kimmye worked at JP Morgan Chase in investments and risk management. However, in the year 2012, she had a revelation that would change her life and the lives of 1000s of others. Kimmye started making organic juice and delivering it right to her friends doorsteps, and that was the beginning of the weekly juicery. Fast forward to today, the weekly juicery has grown immensely, now delivering their rejuvenating juices all over the United States. They have made over 1 million bottles of juice and have helped countless individuals begin their journey towards good health instead of waiting for disease. Kimmye truly believes that everyone deserves to feel amazing. And that juice can be the magic bullet to jumpstart your health journey. You're going to hear all about her journey and her successes. But before we dive into the episode, I want to remind you to consult with your health care professional before making any changes to your health regimen. So let's get into this episode. Let's meet fun Kimmye and let's learn all about juice together.
Hi, I'm Dr. Christine Li, and I'm a psychologist and a procrastination coach. I've helped 1000s of people move past procrastination and overwhelm so they can begin working to their potential. In this podcast, you're going to learn a powerful strategies for getting your mind, body and energy to work together so that you can focus on what's really important and accomplish the goals you want to achieve. When you start living within your full power, you're going to see how being productive can be easy, and how you can create success on demand. Welcome to the Make Time for Success podcast.
Hello, my dear listeners. It's Dr. Christine Li and today I have a wonderful and lovely and very enterprising, special guest Her name is Kimmye Bohannan and she is the CEO and creator and founder of the Weekly Juicery. We're gonna dive right in to this exciting topic and this exciting woman. Thank you, Kimmye for being here with me today.
Kimmye Bohannon 2:53
Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.
Christine Li 2:57
Perfect. Could you let us know how you got to be the Weekly Juicery? And yes, so any other things about who you are and where you come from and your background that will help us to round out the picture of who you are.
Kimmye Bohannon 3:10
Got it perfect. Yes. So I was the crazy person that started the weekly juicery in my kitchen 12 years ago. And the only people drinking juice 12 years ago were also hugging trees, they were very few and far between juice was not mainstream. It was so far from mainstream at that point that it's kind of ridiculous that I even did it. But you know, I didn't start the weekly juicery with the intention of starting a business. It was really interesting how this happened. I started making juice for myself because I woke up I was 39 years old, not did not feel good. working a job. I didn't love long hours, lots of travel. I had three children under age five. And I was last didn't feel good. I felt like I was tired all the time. I felt like my nutrition was really off. I felt like I had zero energy to get through my day. I don't know if you guys have ever heard the expression kind of like aging and dog years. That was me. I thought wow. Like, something bad's gonna happen to me. Like if I'm bored 39 I've already like not feeling good. something's gonna happen. And I came across strangely, a book called Raw Food for women, the author, Natalia rose, and inside she had a recipe called Green lemonade. And I was like, wow, and meanwhile at this time, my diet was just garbage. You know, like, I didn't really have a great this is in you know, the year 2011 I really have a lot of knowledge about nutrition and plant based eating so this was all new for me and her recipe for green lemonade. This all vegetables, no fruit at all. I'm like, well, lemonade, you know, how bad can that be? Right and so I made it and the first time you're like, oh my goodness, right? It's like drinking a salad. But here's what I learned really fast is, juice was a magic bullet. It was like a magic bullet, I started feeling better. I started looking better. I had a better outlook on life. I had more energy, I had more vitality, I felt better than I had ever. And sort of like everything came together. So say, Well, you didn't really say you're going to start a business. And so how did that happen? Well, friends started asking me, What are you putting on your skin? And I'm like, well, nothing. I mean, nothing different. I don't know, like nothing different, the same old stuff I've always use. And it's because they would always say that my skin is glowing. And I thought, well, it's this green juice. That's what it is. And so I started saying, well, it's this green juice, you know, you can make it drink it every day. And so, believe it or not in about, we'll call it eight to 10 weeks ahead at weekly customers out of my house, yo, I knew that. Just telling my friends to make it would not work because making juice. Well, it's not hard. It's time consuming and messy. And I also knew that most of my friends were in the same position I was they were young moms with busy jobs, and they didn't have time to like, make their juice and come and get it. So I required them to drink juice Monday through Friday, I wasn't just going to let them buy one juice, they had to pay for five, and I made it for them. And I delivered it to their doorstop. And I did that for 80 customers out of my house until I said okay, this is crazy. And I opened a retail store and some people have asked me and it's kind of a funny, you know, why is it called the weekly juicer and I'm like, because I didn't make juice on the weekend. That's why it was called the weekly juicer. So it came from very humble beginnings. And gosh, as in today, we've made over a million bottles of juice, we are certified organic by the USDA, we operate on a very strict FDA food safety plan. We teach people about fasting and the power of juice. And, you know, today we still make juices that don't have much fruit we have a few juices that have some fruit, but we want to teach people about this plant power that you could get up courses about fasting and helping people chase good health. So yeah, it's been quite a journey and one I did not really embark on if that makes sense. I never said oh, I'm gonna you know, start a juice business that was never in the in the cards for me so
Christine Li 7:37
well congratulations. And it sounds like a very organic piece of success that Yeah.
Kimmye Bohannon 7:43
Yes, it was. It was it was like a labor of love and it worked. Yes.
Christine Li 7:48
Yeah. I think love is the best way to grow things. So congratulations again. If I remember correctly, the green lemonade is your highest sell or most popular drink is that correct? It is still
Kimmye Bohannon 8:00
today. And you know, I actually worked with Natalia rose and did a detox training with her and along the way I also became an integrative health practitioner. So you know I learned quickly it's not just us there's a lot of pieces and parts you know to grow it younger and kind of living vibrantly. But I told her I said, you know, I'm using your grade load a recipe, she's the asset itself, so I should let go right, you know, so I'll always give her credit. But yes, it's the number one bestseller still today. We can't make enough of it. It's as a whole head of romaine 12 stocks, a kale, a cucumber, a lemon and an intro fresh ginger. And that is it. It is green lemonade, super green. Super plant heavy juice.
Christine Li 8:46
Okay, drinking a salad. Sounds great. That's exactly
Kimmye Bohannon 8:48
like what that have you ever had sort of a super high powered green juice? Have you are Yoji Stringer,
Christine Li 8:55
I am a juice fan. Absolutely. Hi, I tend to prefer that I'm very much a sweet tooth kind of person. So more the fruit heavy. I'm a big fan of celery juicing, as well, for the skin benefits, the anti bloating. I just really believe in that personally, from personal experience. And it does help with skin glow and hair health. Yeah, pretty quickly as well. So I definitely a believer. I also want to learn more from you about if you don't mind sharing and going back again, what was going on with you. You were saying your diet was kind of all over the place. He was there something medical going on or some sort of other source of depletion?
Kimmye Bohannon 9:42
No, but I'll tell you something medical would have found me You know, I always say that people in their lives are either they're doing one of two things. They are waiting on disease or they are chasing good health. And you can't be doing both at the same time. There. are mutually exclusive states of being. And so what I could say is my life as it was at that time, was 100%, teeing me up to weight on disease. You know, chronic disease and illness hadn't found me yet. But if I had stayed on that trajectory, it most certainly would have. As I said, I would grab fast food on the way home from my office, then try and make something fast for the kids. I was constantly in a running gun mode. And I think it caught up with me at about, I felt like I didn't have enough time in the day to be a really great like corporate American corporate citizen with my job. And then also, like I said, I had three children all under age five, which was crazy. And so anyway, I didn't have anything glaring, but I had all the warning bells going off. I was tired all the time, I couldn't sleep, started gaining weight up, I felt bad, my skin looked bad. I just sort of lost that pep in my step. And that really, you know, when you're sort of chasing good health, and you're living vibrantly, you just kind of have like, a pep in yourself, life is working out, I was the complete opposite of that. It felt like I was having to drag through mud, you know, to kind of get through my day, life was not really playing with me, it was like really hard. So yeah, I feel blessed every day that I, you know that I came across the screen lemonade recipe, and here we are. Okay, great.
Christine Li 11:25
Can you share with us what you've learned from working with all of your customers and seeing their transformations and what they had to kind of break through to become juice fans? Could you talk about all of that?
Kimmye Bohannon 11:41
Yes, in the early days, there were not a lot of people drinking juice, it just wasn't a mainstream thing. Like I said, the year 2012 2013 just didn't exist, there were a couple of juice companies that I knew of at that time, one in New York, one in California. But uh, didn't you just certainly not in Kentucky, which is where our headquarters is. And so it took a little bit of convincing, I remember, my husband said, no one is going to pay you for this committee, like, who would drink this. So I remember, you know, saying that, because it was a little bit of a learning curve, I had to teach them about what it was, and then teach them the benefits. You know, it's sort of strange that you have to kind of teach both. But it was really fast. I mean, people the thing about juice, as you know, because your juice drinker is, your taste buds change very quickly. If that first taste, it's not ideal for you, you better believe by the second or third time, it is ideal for you. And it is the closest thing that I know of as sort of this magic bullet to make a transformation in your health. Today, if we fast forward 10 years later, 11 years later, I don't have to convince people anymore. People know this, like really healing power of high quality, well made juice, so I don't have to do really the convincing of the product. Now I've mostly teach people, you know, hey, it's possible for anyone listening for any, like it is 100% possible to grow younger from the inside out. And that's what I help people with mostly today, through our courses through our teaching through our chase to get out like, that's really it, you know, it's possible and you don't have to take my word for it. It was just proven in two studies published by the National Institute of Health, and 2022. So we actually have the power to turn back the clock. And to me, that's just it's so exciting.
Christine Li 13:40
Wonderful. What did they find in their research? If you can provide more? Yes,
Kimmye Bohannon 13:44
I will. So Dr. Kerr, Fitzgerald, researcher, scientist ran two studies in the year 2022 published both of them and the National Institute of Health, I think it's always, you know, it's always good when we can actually have the proof right when we can actually have the peer reviewed study. And she did two studies, one for men, one for women, for obvious reasons. These people are at midlife. So the study participants were midlife. And I'm not going to quote the exact ages because I don't have the study front of me their midlife. They were in average health, not super, super healthy and not played with chronic disease. And she measured their biological age. At the beginning of the study, meaning the age our body believes it to be today on 51. I'm always going to be 51 chronologically, but what I hope is that my buddy believes it to be 3540. Right? So she measured their biological age, and then she had them do simple lifestyle habits for eight weeks. And then she measured their biological age at the end. And at the end of the eight weeks, participants had a three year reduction in their biological age, three years in eight weeks. I mean, that's Unbelievable. And when when we talk about the sort of lifestyle habits, I think sometimes people believe that things are very complicated, you know, medically, so Oh, I have to source African wild horse tail from Mount Kilimanjaro, you know, to make this work? No, these are simple lifestyle habits, moving your body after eating food 45 minutes a day, you know, taking a greens powder, you know, they had to kind of make it a little simpler, because not everybody would have access to the same juice. So flooding your body with a greens powder, you know, following a Keto leaning diet with lots of plants. And so there were just a few things that they did. Yeah, I mean, simple things that we can all do. And the same study, I think the women's study, they actually reduce it by a little more than three years, maybe 3.6. And maybe the men three years, which is just amazing, you know, we're seeing this field of regenerative medicine and, you know, this like epigenetics branch of medicine that tells us Wow, we have so much control over our health trajectory, we are not powerless. In this journey, we have so much control, and that feels really good, you know? So today to answer your question, I mostly spend time helping people reclaim this like powerful sovereignty over their health and teaching them Hey, like, you've, you're just getting started, it doesn't matter how old you are, you can age with a youthful countenance. So it's really fun.
Christine Li 16:20
Great, could you share maybe a case study of someone who was really maybe with a medical issue without naming names, just describing what someone can do with a simple shift?
Kimmye Bohannon 16:35
Yeah, I mean, there are, serve like, even just one juice a day, even if you are not going to, I wonder just kind of like break through the like that it has to be really complicated. And it has to be, you know, oh, I've got to do the super long juice fast, you know, you can enjoy one juice a day and add two to three pounds of organic plants to your body, and you are going to feel the impact, your body will begin working on your gut microbiome, which tells your brain to want more of the same. And I've seen people that absolutely you know, didn't love fruits and vegetables had a struggle, eating fruits and vegetables, I mean customer after customer after customer. Oh my gosh, I love fruits and vegetables. Now I am I'm so connected to eating in that way. And that's a that's a very simple case study. And then I have all the way to the extreme. Currently, as of right now, where we're recording this, I have a client and the customer who's on day 42 of only juice in a medically supervised fast, she's working with an integrative health doctor a functional end date. And they have her only on juice because she had severe parasite activity, and was headed in a direction that was needed and about face. So she thinks she's on day 42 Maybe as of today. And so she's completely transformed her health. She's, you know, her skin is bright and glowing. As she's lost the excess weight. She's moved through the parasite activity. And so it's amazing to watch her transformation. And to see that you can wow, you can exist for 42 days on only juice. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Okay, so her health is completely transformed, she was headed toward a very serious chronic health issue. And in working with her functional doctor, she's been able to turn it around. So that's probably the most extreme I've given you the two extremes that yeah, we've helped 1000s of people make a change and a turn to their health trajectory. So lots of people come here, or do the Guided use experience because they were a little bit where I was, and maybe some of your listeners are, which is like, Listen, I don't feel my best. And that's probably the number one customer and client that to help listen if you're not feeling your best. If you can't answer honestly a resounding yes. When I asked you the question, if you feel amazing. No, we need to get busy changing that. I don't care how old you are. I don't care what's going on. You know, everybody deserves to feel amazing. Everybody deserves to feel their best. And I believe juice is a magic bullet to get people started.
Christine Li 19:09
Okay, terrific. You mentioned the guided juice experience. Yeah, and I've heard you mentioned that phrase. Could you be more specific about what that is?
Kimmye Bohannon 19:17
I can that is like our starting place because as you know, as a juice maker and juice drinker. Sometimes it's a little complicated. When do I drink the juice? What how much juice do I drink? When do I start when do I stop? What do I do when I stopped drinking the juice Ottawa start the juice fast. What does the fast even do for me? How does the fast work in my body? So I find that my customers and clients have tons of questions and what my goal has been from the very humble beginnings of the weekly juicery is that I really give them the why and the education that they can take forward to really maximize the return on their investment of our juice. And so I created a program called the gotta juice experience. I choose seven juices and three wellness shots for our clients shove it right to their doorstep. And I should say now because I get the question, USA doorsteps only at this point, we have tried getting used to our internet, it just is a tricky business with custom. So USA doorsteps, and then they get a 50 page book and their box and it is called the God of juice experience, they can work through each module, I teach them how juice is fortifying their immune system, how it's lowering their overall stress level, how it's healing their nutrition and creating the good gut bacteria in their gut. And then I teach them obviously, the why the wind what to the night when you should do what you shouldn't do all those kinds of juice, Q and A's. And then I teach them some healthy habits to get them going on this path so that they have something to take forward. And, you know, some people do the guided juice experience as a full day fast, you know, it's seven juices. So they spend one full day in a fast some people do one juice a day, they're in a place where they just want to start with one juice a day for a week, we have other people that do kind of a modified fast with perhaps three juices and then a nice plant based dinner and then repeat the second day. So we give them options in our book. And on our course for doing that. They also get access to our five module course. And we worked in through all the teachings and then at the very end, we teach them how to make green lemonade right in their kitchen so that they can be a Greenwood a maker, you know, as I want people to really keep doing this. And, you know, Dr. Frank Lippmann said in his book, How to be well, like, everybody needs to master a juice habit. And I agree with him. And that's my way of like, helping people master the juice habit.
Christine Li 21:36
Beautiful. Thank you so much for all the work that you've done to bring this love of yours to the masses. And yeah, I would love to shift to the business side. Because I know when you and I met, I got the story of how complex a journey it has been for you. And you have this lovely, vibrant, happy attitude. There has been a lot of stress and drama in your story. Can you please share some of that and your objections?
Kimmye Bohannon 22:07
Yes, it sounds as we've talked up to now I'm glad you asked this question that this was an easy thing. And let me tell you, it has been like one of the most challenging things I've ever done. And so yes, it is, it's hard to be a juice maker. For anybody in entrepreneur land looking to start a business, I'm going to give you a PSA right off the bat. It is not organic juice. It's just not. And to be honest, there were several points along this 10 or 11 years where I said, Okay, that's it, you know, I'm waving the white flag, I just can't do it. You know, I can't do it. Because one of the things I learned early on is that when you really love something, there's a lot of care and keeping that goes into it. So example. I refused to make product quality compromises in order to make money. I just said, Listen, no, we're talking about my health, we're talking about the health of like all of our customers and clients. I mean, sure, I mean, I hate to break it to everyone here but 90% of the juice companies that you may be buying juice for, there's a lot of water in that bottle. And it's still green because of you know, the right sort of vibrant, you know, green of the kale, so you can make literally five ounces of water, couple ounces a cucumber, one piece of kale and it's going to be green. But that's not green lemonade, as as really Trent is transformed my life. So I can't make a product that's less than that, well, it's pretty expensive. I don't know if anybody's ever juiced vegetables, but they some of them are not juicy at all. Things like green apple and those sort of filler ingredients are much more juicy and therefore profitable. And what we saw in the juice business as it took off is that people had to make those product quality compromises to really make money and I just said I'm not doing that. So if I have to do that, then I'm not making juice. And so it took us a long time, tons of manufacturing and logistical issues to figure out a model that worked for us. And that model is really being able to ship you know, to everybody in the USA, that was you know, a year of working with the packaging engineer so the juice doesn't freeze but a rods in temperature. I mean you name it, we've done it and so it was a big kind of hill to climb but I'm happy to say that now that we do have the education that goes along with it. We found a model that works after 10 years of really like making all this use packing all these boxes I mean I've packed boxes where my hands are like frozen in a walk in cooler. We've done it all and yeah it's it's a labor of love folks labor love
Christine Li 25:00
Well, I am so impressed, so proud of you so thankful for people like you in the world, and so glad that you've served
Kimmye Bohannon 25:08
to, yeah, we've made it. Yeah. Like, you know, a knowledge of what you love kind of burns within you. And even, like when we get really quiet, and you might have had this in your own business, like we get really quiet, we always know whether we're keeping going or returning around. And that knowledge just comes to you. And so while I said, you know, there are times where I want to do like, okay, out, you always lie flagger tried so hard, you know, just can't do it. This sort of the path forward is always been revealed to me, it's like, the next door kind of opens and sort of get connected into this next thing. And I'm like, okay, that's the answer. We keep going. Right. I've asked these questions for, you know, gardens, and I always get it. So I feel like, you know, probably on the right path.
Christine Li 25:55
Wonderful. I think you are. And I think you're extending your journey to our customers, as well, our listeners, could you please share the ideas that you have about how people can start with you and just get a taste of what you're doing?
Kimmye Bohannon 26:09
Yes, yes. So I want to give everybody listening here a chance to try the Guided use experience, we have all of our customers start there. That's like the starting point of hey, I want to learn about us, I want to learn about this magic bullet. It's the starting place for getting going. And I want to give everybody a $50 discount to use so that if they're listening here, you can have a special discount, so that you can experience what the transformation with juice really feels like. It's one thing to just drink juice. It's another thing to really use juice and use this Tom and this knowledge to make an about things for your health, to kind of maybe move away from this idea of waiting on disease over to this paradigm shift of chasing good health. When you're done, you'll also have a chance if you want to join the juice virtual we have, oh, probably two or 300 people we do it all together the first Monday of every single month. We do a fast all together. And we do a growth challenge where we're really up leveling our mind body spirit. Next year, I'm locked. I'm finally launching the chasing Good Health Academy. It's been I've been working on it for a couple years. I have 52 habits that help you chase good health we do want each week and we just practice them together. So yeah, it'd be watching for that. And it'll be launching in January.
Christine Li 27:32
Terrific, terrific, busy lady that you're hearing from Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, we have created a special link so that you can get that $50 code for the $50 off of the juice experience. And we're going to say that that is make time for success. podcast.com/juice make time for success. podcast.com/juice I want to thank you, Kimmy for your generosity, your passion, your adorableness, here. I just admire you and I'm so grateful that we know each other and our friends now too.
Kimmye Bohannon 28:11
Yes, me too. Thank you so much for having me.
Christine Li 28:14
You're the best. Okay, everyone. So go follow Kimmy. Can you tell us your Instagram handle?
Kimmye Bohannon 28:21
Yes. The the weekly juicery.com that the like th e weekly juicery.com. Okay, and we do now make juice on the weekends. It's just when we started. I didn't make juice on the weekend. So it's called the week legend. People ask me that all the time and this story and sort of funny. I'm like, Whoa, I didn't make juice on the weekends. I mean, I was that was my like, day off. So any case? Yeah, the weekly jquery.com
Christine Li 28:44
Okay, and Instagram. It's the weekly juicery Correct.
Kimmye Bohannon 28:47
Yes, everything's the same. That's right, the weekly juicery.com Yeah, you can find out about all the fun stuff. We're doing terrific.
Christine Li 28:52
Let's explore. Let's chase health together. And we're in this together. Thank you so much for being our guide. Thank you. All right. Take care, everyone. We'll see you next Thursday when the next episode drops. Take care. Thanks for being here.
Thank you for listening to this episode of the Make Time for Success podcast. If you enjoyed what you heard, you can subscribe to make sure you get notified of upcoming episodes. You can also visit our website, maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com for past episodes, show notes and all the resources we mentioned on the show. Feel free to connect with me over on Instagram too. You can find me there under the name procrastination coach. Send me a DM and let me know what your thoughts are about the episodes you've been listening to. And let me know any topics that you might like me to talk about on the show. I'd love to hear all about how you're making time for success. We'll talk to you soon!
Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Kimmye Bohannon
Kimmye Bohannon is a serial juice drinker, CEO of The Weekly Juicery, and the creator of The Juice Ritual, The Guided Juice Experience and the Chasing Good Health programs. Before starting The Weekly Juicery, Kimmye worked at JPMorgan Chase in investments and risk management. In 2012, she started making juice and delivering it to friends' doorsteps so they could experience the power of organic juice. Today, The Weekly Juicery delivers juice to doorsteps all over the USA. The Weekly Juicery has made over 1 million bottles of juice and helped thousands of people start chasing good health instead of waiting on disease!