The Heroine's Journey: Women's Development, Work, Leadership and a Vision for a New Economic Growth Model with Eleanor Beaton
In this episode, my special guest Eleanor Beaton and I discuss issues of gender, culture, race, myth, and history and how each of these factors tend to help shape our personal adult identities. Tune in to hear several wonderful stories and a beautifully powerful vision for the future! I think you will get excited about reflecting on your own journey, and how you’ve arrived at the life that you're leading right now.
Eleanor Beaton is the founder of SafiMedia, an education & coaching company for women entrepreneurs. SafiMedia is committed to advancing global gender equity one woman-owned business at a time. Together with her colleagues, Eleanor is on a mission to double the number of women entrepreneurs who scale past $1M in revenue by 2030.
• [5:07] Eleanor discusses when the economically disempowered generational fire was lit for her.
• [7:49] “The other part of it, though, was just this fierce determination to be independent.”
• [12:17] “At the age of 14, when I looked at my mom and I said, thank you for the advice, I'm going to use it and I don't want to be like you.
• [20:24] Eleanor talks about being grateful for her mom and the strength it took to raise her and her siblings in a patriarchal and racist culture.
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Christine Li 0:01
Welcome back to the Make Time for Success podcast. This is episode 86. I'm really excited for you to listen to today's episode with Eleanor Beaton because I think it's going to get you excited about reflecting on your own journey, and how you've gotten to the life that you're leaving right now. Eleanor and I discuss issues of gender, culture, race, myth, and history and how each of these factors tend to help shape our adult identities. Eleanor adds wonderful detail and stories from her own life, of having to find her own way into a very powerful personal identity as an adult. You're going to hear the power in Eleanor's voice and in her stories, but you're also going to hear her beautifully powerful vision for the future for women in business and for our world. Eleanor is the founder of SafiMedia, an education and coaching company for women entrepreneurs. SafiMedia is committed to advancing global gender equity, one woman owned business at a time. Together with her colleagues, Eleanor is on a mission to double the number of women entrepreneurs, who scale past $1 million in revenue. By the year 2030. Eleanor hosts the Power and Presence and Position podcast, a top ranked podcast for female founders with over 1.5 million downloads to date. The former chair of the Visiting Women's Executive Exchange Program at the Yale School of Management, Eleanor has been featured in publications including The Globe, and Mail, the Atlantic, CBC, shatta Linn and more. It was such a pleasure to interview Eleanor the time flew by I think you're gonna love this episode. So thanks for being here with me. And let's go listen to the episode now.
Hi, I'm Dr. Christine Li, and I'm a psychologist and a procrastination coach. I've helped 1000s of people move past procrastination and overwhelm so they can begin working to their potential. In this podcast, you're going to learn a powerful strategies for getting your mind, body and energy to work together so that you can focus on what's really important and accomplish the goals you want to achieve. When you start living within your full power, you're going to see how being productive can be easy, and how you can create success on demand.
Welcome to the Make Time for Success podcast. Hi, my friends hope you're doing well. This is Dr. Li and I am here today with a very special guest Her name is Eleanor Beaton. And she is a an educator and a coach and a power person. That's how I'm gonna put this she is someone who has made it her mission to have gender equity in the workplace and in the marketplace and in business. And she is guiding women on that journey and sharing her wisdom, the wisdom that she's gathered over the years in her journey. I can't wait to hear Eleanor's story. I can't wait to introduce her to you. Thank you, Eleanor for being here.
Eleanor Beaton 3:29
I'm so honored to be here with you and your audience.
Christine Li 3:33
So let's get going. And let's start out with perhaps what was the original spark that made you interested in gender equity and finding that parity and creating a path for women to really be successful in the marketplace.
Eleanor Beaton 3:55
The spark was my mother's indignation and frustration one day driving me to basketball practice. Literally it was that so I grew up. You know, in Eastern Canada. We are immigrants. My mother is from the Fiji Islands. My father was Welsh. We moved here for my dad to be a prophet, this university and the town that I still live in, in fact, and so my mom comes here, I was born already. And it's a completely different culture. She was a black woman came she comes from the Fiji Islands. Nobody here looks like her. The culture is different. And so she decided that she really didn't feel comfortable putting me in childcare. So she stayed at home and this was a woman who had been the main breadwinner, and my parents relationship before that. So my dad, he works full time for 18 years. My mom stayed at home with me and my then my sister and brother. My parents had this great relationship in many ways. But because my mom didn't make money, she became financially disempowered. And so when she wanted to do Certain things with a family finances like become an investor. My father who was very risk intolerant was like, Oh, don't want to do that. And because she didn't have her own money, she wasn't able to have the same kind of influence. And I can remember her driving me to basketball practice one day, they'd had a disagreement about how to spend the money. And she said, Eleanor money is power. Always make sure that you have your own. And it was so that moment, even when I think about it today, like I feel the fire in my belly from her. I feel the generational fire from so many women who have been economically disempowered and therefore didn't have choice. And that fire has been burning the whole time. And has really been kind of a fuel that has guided the development of my career and of my business, and really of me as a woman.
Christine Li 5:54
What a fascinating story and a story of just of cultures and immigration and disempowerment a process of disempowerment that you saw, what do you what was your reaction after your mother told you that?
Eleanor Beaton 6:11
Well, you know, nobody's ever asked me this question. But as soon as you asked me, I knew exactly what happened. It was a split. And I felt and this was what I made that mean, this is in my sort of 15 year old brain. I was like, Well, I'm never going to be like you. That's what I said to myself. And it's so painful to say this now, it's so painful, and that's what disempowerment can do. Like when you're raised in a culture of disempowerment, as a kid, you want to align with the power, not with a disempowered? You know, so the first thing that happened was, I was, you know, in my mind, I literally, like I loved my mom so much, but I didn't want to be like her. So over the next, honestly, like, 1015 years, it was this systematic not being like my mom, you know, it was a systematic, definitely being much more over in my masculine energy. Definitely following you know, asking my dad for a lot of guidance, I really sort of, you know, built up, tried to climb the corporate ladder. And, you know, really pursued success by being things that my mum wasn't. So I was all we had always been interested in personal development. But And it's funny, because it's a huge part of what I do today is, you know, holistic coaching that looks not just at the woman founder, but her as a leader. But you know, I didn't want to have my work be anything about that. Right. So yeah, so the first thing was this split. And on the other part of it, though, was just this fierce determination to be independent. So it was like this one, two punch of the desire for independence that my mom really tried to instill in me, combined with the I don't want to be like you. I had to do a lot of work around that.
Christine Li 8:08
Yes, and I feel like this, this may not be where we thought this conversation was going. But but that I feel like in my own education, about psychology, sexual development, that there is a forced separation from both the daughters and the sons away from the mother, but that the daughters never really have to go quite as far. But I love in your story, how you knew that your goal was to feel and be independent. In order to do that you had to radically move away from whatever you thought your mother represented. But that comes out as at a cost to the connection to the relationships to the feminine self. I'm thinking and it sounds like you've done all the work backwards and forwards to bring this into a whole identity so that you could use it for your work.
Eleanor Beaton 9:13
Yeah, and it's interesting that the way that I arrived at that work that we're discussing here, it was always through creativity. So I arrived at it sideways all the time. So I'll give you an example. I was in my soul, I was in my 30s. And I decided, you know, I've been a writer my whole life. Writing is a huge part of what I do. So I decided, You know what I have I have this novel that sort of half completed, I think I'm going to do a Masters of Fine Art in creative writing, as one does. And so you know, I have my two sons. I'm look, husband, I'm leaving for two weeks to go to my residency and my MFA, like, this is the phase of life that I was in. So I'm working on it. And as part of that, I'm researching story structure. Because anybody who's tried to write a novel, it's all about the story and I just felt like I couldn't pull the story together. So my prof we're talking about the hero's journey, which is a really ancient form of storytelling the hero. It's like the Bible, it's avatar. It's Gilgamesh, like all the old stories. So the hero, there's a hero, he is called to do something, either there's an internal call, or there's an external call, he goes, and he faces a series of obstacles, each obstacle bigger than the one before and each obstacle challenges him to be bigger and better until the final obstacle, which he overcomes and gets either what he wants or what he needs the end. So, as I'm doing this Masters of Fine Art, trying to figure out how the hell I tell this coming of age story about a woman, my prof says, You know what, you should check out the heroines journey. And so the heroines journey documented by Maureen Murdock, who was the psychologist in the 1970s in California, she is a student of Joseph Campbell's who was the mythologist, who created the hero's journey. And she says to him, you know, it's interesting, when I think about the women that I work with this hero's journey, their experience and coming of age doesn't match this. And he's like, No, because for in the heroines journey, the true journey comes it's like we do the hero's journey. First, we go out into the world, and we get the things. And we arrive at that pinnacle. And we're like, this is it, really, you know, and then it's all about the return, it's a descent into the dark, feminine, it's like, really going back into ourselves to discover who are we really. So that separation, when I look back in it, that's what I see. That was me separating from my mom and femininity and really moving much more to conventional success to the path. And all of that is fine and good. Like, I loved that all of that it helped me be a better person, I learned incredible skills. But ultimately, in order to be a whole person, you know, in order to be truly sick, like I was burning out all the time, in order to really be able to bring my full self to work, I had to unite with this part of me that I think I really chose to step away from at the age of 14, when I looked at my mom and I said, Thank you for the advice, I'm going to use it and I don't want to be like you.
Christine Li 12:26
So what is the heroines journey now that you've been on it? And can can reflect backwards? When for you was the difference? In terms of the the woman's path? Yeah.
Eleanor Beaton 12:45
Yeah, and I think that there's the there's the the sort of classic heroines journey, it's a book by Maureen Murdock, and a lot of sort of study into this that I suggest people check out for me, you know, when I look at the heroines journey, so growing up, I really was always looking to others for the path and the answers. And I definitely think is mean, you know, in part of my development, that sort of mentorship and apprenticeship, like every time, I'm learning how to do something new, I go and look at what elders are doing, or people who they don't have to be older than me, they just they know. And so that's a very valuable part of handing down knowledge. But you know, I think the big thing for me was a tuning more to my own soul, and to my own wisdom, and trusting and listening to that first, before and over and above, listening to other people or what expectations were, or even sometimes what my intellect said. So, you know what I would say that one of the biggest sort of big kind of evolution, for me in terms of really integrating this practice into my life was, you know, I became a coach. And a lot of it's interesting that a lot of the coaching model is very, it can trace its lineage, you know, to Rene Descartes, I think, therefore, I am, and that very much of the coaching model, which is very useful and helpful, and I still use it, which is that, you know, there's circumstances which create thoughts which create feelings which create action, and your point of power is always in the thought, which is very Rene Descartes. I think, therefore, I am. So what was happening is that I was coaching myself all the time, if I had a thought, like, this is scary. You know what I mean? Or this is dangerous, and I would start coaching myself out of it. And that was helpful to a place but I still felt, I guess I can say it was like the split, where I still would feel like I was kind of forcing myself or faking it, you know, to get myself to take massive action or whatever. So then I started, you know, under the guidance of a great teacher called Hero Boga. I really became a lot more interested in this practice of wholeness. And so what would happen is rather than coach trying to label things as things as thoughts or Gremlins or whatever, I would say to myself, I would experience something like I would hear myself saying something like this, you better hurry up like, Hey, we got to, we got to handle this quickly. We've got to get on this. It was this energy of we've got to. And rather than being like, that's a limiting thought I would step back. And I would really ask myself who's saying that? And sometimes it was like, my mom or my dad, you know, my voice, like metaphorically, but often it was me. It was like 14 year old l&r, interestingly, the same age as the girl who was like, I don't want to be like your mom. But that same girl who was like, in order to be safe, you have to hustle. In order to be worth it. You need to be actioning everything. And so when I would try to coach myself out of limiting thoughts, what I was essentially saying to that version of who I am, that 14 year old who still lives within me, I was basically saying to her, Hey, shut up. Your voice is not important. It's just a limiting thought. And that's what I was doing. So I was using coaching against myself. And so for me, like a huge homeless practice, and that ability to bring in the feminine, has been to connect with these earlier versions of myself, and really connect love them and say things like, okay, what are you know, tell me what's going on with you. So for instance, she comes out anytime I'm taking, I'm growing, she thinks that we need, that's her response. And I just talked to her, I'm like, You know what, I love your energy. I need you with me, I can tell that this is making you feel like you need to do and you know what, bring your energy, but you're not responsible for running this business. And you're welcome and included here. Like it's, I'm literally talking to myself, you know, a lot. But there is a feeling of groundedness. Now, you know that it has been very powerful. For me and I talked about this as often as I can, because it's been so profound for me that I I think it could be useful to other people.
Christine Li 17:20
Yes, thank you, you speak so beautifully. And you bring in so many different powerful elements about a woman's journey, really, and your from your own journey. And one thing that I hear is that you are radically accepting all the different parts and flavors and experiences that might be in a moment of growth, that might be the terror that might be the self doubt, that might be the Oh Boy, you better hold on another six weeks before you decide that you have developed a mastery and a calmness, about the complexity of you and your history and your goals. And the power that you have. Right now. It makes me curious, this is tangential, what your mother is like, personality wise. Is she grounded? I mean, she did give you that advice, right. And I think like other mothers might not have shared that kind of wisdom or cared enough that kind of a thing. What have you found you've pulled from your mother's personality and enjoy now that you've kind of reflected in this way?
Eleanor Beaton 18:34
Oh, my gosh, like, so much. And that's the that's the ironic thing. Yeah. So you know, my mother is incredibly adaptable, and independent, optimistic and open minded, so really up for things. She is an athlete, who still is like, she's too busy. It's hilarious. I have a younger brother who's 12 years younger. And he has like two kids who are like four months and like two, and my mom is not always available to babysit as much as he would like, because she plays pickleball six days per week. It's hilarious. Like, it's really, really funny. But it's also I think, what I've pulled from my mom, you know, through all of the things that she experienced, being a black woman with a full afro, in this rural white town, the things that she experienced, like, I just was always this sort of straight backed, big haired emblem to me of, of just elegance, and dignity. You know, and I think these are things that her example, you know, I've really pulled from her and in fact, one of my favorite activities to do with my mom, I would come home from school and we would watch Oprah Winfrey. And so that It's where I learned about Martha Beck. It's where I learned about Dr. Phil Jana Van Zandt, Gary Serko, the seat of the soul guy, like, I mean, honestly, and the hilarious thing is that now these AMone, not all of them, but some of them are like my heroes, you know. So the reality is my mom was a much more influential shaper of who I am, in some ways that my dad was. And yeah, I've, I've pulled so much from her, and I'm so grateful to her, and also for the strength that it must have taken to be in a culture and a patriarchal culture, and also a racist culture, you know, where you raise these beings who don't want to be like you, where there's a rite of passage that we go through that we don't want to be like you, I think about that. And I'm so incredibly grateful for her grace for all of those things.
Christine Li 20:55
Like, again, you speak so beautifully, and you're making me want to cry. I know, here we go, here we go, I'm going to shift the conversation a little bit, because we were talking about how you can now connect with the earlier versions of yourself, not reject parts of yourself. And the thought that I had about that is that requires calmness, and in many ways, a lack of anxiety. And I'm thinking about perhaps the modern woman's experience, whether she's a business owner, a go getter, or not, that there is this kind of pandemic of anxiety, too, not just for women, but we're talking about women, today, and what you needed to do to kind of understand your own patterns of anxiety, and your suggestions to our audience, and anybody who's listening for if you're wanting to coach yourself, develop yourself calmed, calm yourself down so that you can enjoy your life more, what tips would you have? Or what reflections would you have?
Eleanor Beaton 22:05
For me, it's certainly been like an evolution. So initially, it was very much about, you know, coaching and understanding, thinking and understanding, I'm not my thoughts, I can separate from my thoughts, that I can choose my thoughts, you know, and so that was really this one level. And I think for many people, if you haven't had the gift of that type of work, even before coaching, it was like therapy. So I was in therapy and learning about cognitive behavioral therapy and learning about that, and then moving into coaching and learning about coaching and getting coached. And then, you know, this wholeness practice, but I would say at this level for me, and I suspect that many of your listeners probably have also are also because this is a show about personal development. So they've also probably been on this path with you and I, for several years now, maybe more. And, you know, I think, for me, the thing that I have learned that has been this next evolution of transformation is understanding energy, like really understanding, and people would talk about energy. And I would be like, I don't know what they're talking to you, I don't know, we're in Canada. So I was like, I don't know what they're smoking, it could mean. So this would have I didn't understand or appreciate. But what would happen, I'll give you an example. So one time, I was sitting around a boardroom table, and something was happening that I disagreed with, deeply. And I said it, and you know, anybody who sat around these boardroom tables, and you dissent, it's hard to do. And so I disagreed, and all of a sudden, I felt frozen, you know, and I hadn't felt this before I felt totally frozen. And I realized, you know, after I was like, why did this happen? Like, even as I was trying to coach myself, and for days after I felt this weight around me for dissenting around something. And I realized afterward, it was an energy thing. That there was all this energy from people, it was like energy against I was, you know, the only woman at that table, the energy of decades. And centuries of you know, of women not having voices, and I know there gonna be people who are listening to this, we're like, what is she talking about? I'm just like, just wait, because one day, you know, it's like, when you learn the language of energy. And so what happened is, you know, I actually didn't have the skills to be able to protect myself energetically. You know, to be able to understand when in my area is like energy, negative energy or other people's energy or energy that has nothing to do with me. I didn't know how to process that. How to determine When what's my energy with somebody else's energy? How to just release some I don't have to process anybody else's energy just to release it. So I think, you know, really energy workers. And like finding some good ones who understand like, again, I love the work of Hiro Boga, like understanding energy workers how to work with energy has been the next evolution in my personal development to keep me grounded and present. And when I can do that, I feel that I'm able to operate in a way that is true to me.
Christine Li 25:38
Beautiful, thank you. I'm a big energy talker.
Eleanor Beaton 25:41
Right? Because not only is and then, like, I used to be like, What is going on? Now? I'm all about it.
Christine Li 25:49
Yeah, I think they knew it as a little kid and didn't talk about it like energy, but I was always sensing the thing around the corner. And yeah, that was just always part of me. And it now makes so much more sense to me now that people are speaking in this language in different ways. And you might call it our offer audience, you might call it something else other than energy. But I think what we're sharing today is about the impact we have on each other, not just with words, and not just with thoughts, but just with our being, and our intention. And all of these things that we can't see that we're I think many people are beginning to speak about more actively. And of course, it's, we're not new at this. But there's a whole new language and influencers and leaders that you can follow to learn about, how do you open up your own energy for more,
Eleanor Beaton 26:48
who's your favorite person on this, because I'm always so excited because it's new, like, this is one of those areas where I'm like, I want to learn more about it.
Christine Li 26:56
Well, I think I'm gonna opt instead of telling you about a person, I think I'm just going to talk about being a psychologist, because every single person I work with, has a very different energy. And so hour to hour, I'm shifting zones of energy within myself to match in some way loosely speaking, not be the person's complete opposite energy in that hour is important. And it is work. It is work because as I've grown in entrepreneurship, and in my own development, my own energy is going in different ways. And sometimes therapy is a fit, sometimes it's less of a fit these days, because my mind is on growth all the time and expansion. And sometimes that's not what is needed for the patient. But that's the work of therapy. And I do that carefully. And I learned from that too. I grow within each session so many decades. Yeah, after so many decades of doing this, it's still as a growth venture, because you understand the person more deeply. And in some ways they understand you and your energy more deeply. to So I think I've been forced by nature of my chosen profession, to really sink into what is them? What is me? What is my option here, and I see so many different options, because in some way, as a coach or a therapist, part of your valuable role is to be able to hold open the door for all the other possibilities that are there that maybe neither of us can see. But you know what the doors open. And I remember learning in a couples therapy training, that it's the couples therapists role, to hold the possibility of the couple's survival as a possibility. And I really thought that was just about the best piece of beautiful training I could get. Because I didn't really I was going, I was really running away from couples therapy. I thought it was complex. I thought it was messy. Right? And it is it is. But I thought, Oh, what a nice template to work from that. All I have to do is think oh, well, could this really work? Maybe this could work. Maybe they could stay together. Maybe they could find new parts of themselves and each other and their relationship to work with each other and actually working with couples is pretty fun. Because you get this far right and woman energy brave woman. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. So I'm inspired by my client And I'm inspired by also, my colleagues in entrepreneurship, people, men and women who are creating from scratch who are spending the extra hours who are digging deep into their own hero or heroines journey and not backing down, because there's so many different opportunities where you should and could and might, but that we fight that instinct in some ways, because there's a broader goal of getting the message out getting the products out serving the right people serving more people. And it's really fun to I don't mean to say, Wow, this, the hero has fun, too. Yes, yes.
Eleanor Beaton 30:49
The hero and heroine gets to have fun, for sure.
Christine Li 30:52
Yeah. And I learned from Honestly, my podcast guests. So thank you for being one of these people that I'm learning so much from and and I learned about communication, and satisfaction and topics. It's all over the place. And it's so fun. Yeah, it really is. So, I want to switch topics again, and talk about what you're doing with your clients right now. Your goal, your big, big, big goal, if you could state it here, and kind of what you envision for yourself and your business for the next few years.
Eleanor Beaton 31:36
Hmm, okay. So my vision is truly to advance a model of economic growth that nourishes the planet, one woman owned business at a time. And this goes back as well, you know, as much as sort of feminism and the empowerment of women and women leaders has been so key to my being for such a long time, so has the planet, you know, so has the planet. And it's interesting, you know, like I have seen and watched, you know, like the climate change talks. And I see how these, you know, world leaders who say that we really care who understand the science is fairly different, definite, you know, about what's happening with respect to climate change, and they still don't really act as decisively as we might like. And they're not stupid, irrational people. And I don't think it's just that they're power hungry, either. I think it's that as a world, we still don't really believe that you can have economic growth, without harm to the planet to people to habitats. And I refuse to believe that's true. I just refuse. And so I really see that women founders have an opportunity to shape the future of business and what it looks like. So the vision is a true vision for me, Christine, I hope you're there with me, I see myself as a collective with a group of women founders, and we go to the UN, and we are just bringing it I don't know, if you saw a miracle on 34th Street, when they're bringing in the letters to Santa Claus, anybody who's seen that movie, there's like, loads and loads and loads of letters to Santa Claus. And I see that loads and loads and loads of case studies of women founders, who have built businesses that have scaled past a million have had a diverse supply chain, build these incredible teams, where it's a workplace culture defined by well being contribute 10s of millions to the tax base every year and have done it sustainably. And we go to the UN and we say, economic growth that nourishes the planet is possible. We are a collective case study of how to do that. And we would love for you to learn from our experiences so that these can be rolled out across the world to really change our economic growth model. So that's the vision. And so then it's like, how do I do that? Like, how would I actually have people listen, rather than just be like, well, there's a crackpot and a do gooder. And it's by if we are able to double the number of women founders who sustainably scale past a million so that mission is real. And I'm looking for the proof point. So when I think about the business, so my business is all about helping women owned founder scale past a million and we have I serve founders who run service based businesses, they are psychologists, they are consultants, they are di practitioners. And they're architects. You know, they are HR professionals, recruiters. So you know, it's really about what I do. When I think about marketing, I think about sharing the message. And I also think about where are these women who are going to come with me to you when literally that's how I think about it. and right. And then I also work on the consulting side, like really consulting with governments and NGOs and banks to be like, What are you doing to elevate the number of women founders who sustainably scale right, so everything that happens in our Business as Mission based, but to stain, you know, and then so that's like the big vision and then to really bring it in the mechanism as a jewel business. So you scale sustainably 30%, top line growth 30% profitability 30% open time, so I help women founders build jewel businesses. And the first place is to really simplify our companies to stop being addicted to grow through complexity, but really see simplicity as the most powerful growth tool there is. And so at that's the level so typically, I'm working with women founders who are doing six, like our specialty is taking them from six to seven figures, there's, it's what gets you to six figures is very different than what gets you to a million, then after the million. It's a totally different story again. So that's the place that I've chosen. I'm so passionate about the work. And everything in the business is reverse engineered from that vision from being in the room, bringing in all of the case study after case study and all of the women. And we are just a wall of well dressed beautifully turned out evidence of what sustainable economic growth looks like.
Christine Li 36:27
I love it. It's a beautiful vision, a viable vision for the future. I think it's a vision that is happening. Yes, of women, carrying women sharing women collaborating and women making the impact at the scale that you're envisioning. And I thank you for being a colleague and for being a leader and for being someone who does the work and shows up and does all the episodes and does all the meet and greets and does all the dissenting so that your vision can thrive. I can't wait for those in our audience who need to, to connect to you. Could you please share with us? What's the best and easiest way for people to start working with you keep following you etc?
Eleanor Beaton 37:19
Yeah, so I think probably over on Instagram Eleanor Beaton and there's my podcasts, power, presence position. Those are two places that I think are a great place to start.
Christine Li 37:28
Terrific. Eleanor's podcast is fantastic. She just hit 500 episodes, which is a heroines journey in itself. It has relations there. And Eleanor, thank you so much for being here today with me and for sharing your thoughts, your brilliance and your vision. Thank you so much.
Eleanor Beaton 37:51
Thank you.
Christine Li 37:53
All right, everyone. I will see you next Thursday when the next episode of the Make Time for Success podcast drops, take care. Until then.
Thank you for listening to this episode of the Make Time for Success podcast. If you enjoyed what you heard, you can subscribe to make sure you get notified of upcoming episodes. You can also visit our website, for past episodes, show notes and all the resources we mentioned on the show. Feel free to connect with me over on Instagram too. You can find me there under the name procrastination coach. Send me a DM and let me know what your thoughts are about the episodes you've been listening to. And let me know any topics that you might like me to talk about on the show. I'd love to hear all about how you're making time for success. We'll talk to you soon.
Transcribed by

Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton is the founder of SafiMedia, an education & coaching company for women entrepreneurs. SafiMedia is committed to advancing global gender equity one woman-owned business at a time. Together with her colleagues, Eleanor is on a mission is to double the number of women entrepreneurs who scale past $1M in revenue by 2030.
Eleanor hosts the Power + Presence + Position podcast, a top-ranked podcast for female founders with over 1.5 million downloads to date. The former chair of the Visiting Women’s Executive Exchange Program at the Yale School of Management, Eleanor has been featured in publications including The Globe & Mail, The Atlantic, CBC, Chatelaine and more.