The Ultimate List of Goal-Setting Strategies with ALoN David

If you have an idea that’s worth going after, commit to it. If not, move on. This is the basic goal philosophy of my guest this week, ALoN David. He’s a goal setting expert, entrepreneur, and 90X® Founder & CEO; ALoN has created multiple 6- and 7- figure businesses from nothing.
In 2017, after multiple hugely successful businesses, he decided to finally launch 90X®. He built the 90X® Planner System because that was the system he used to build his other businesses, and he was tired of never having everything organized and in one place.
In this episode, we’re going to dive deeper into ALoN’s story and talk about why setting up the right goal-setting system is necessary for success. We’ll also discuss the type of mindset you need to have to start creating your own version of success.
[2:17] - Starting from zero
[9:13] - Honoring yourself to move forward
[10:54] - The reason your “why” keeps you grounded and motivated
[12:13] - The 90X goal-setting philosophy
[16:54] - “Showing up” as the person you want to be
[21:11] - The definition of success varies from person to person
[26:00] - The only thing fear does is keep you small and safe
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Christine Li:
Welcome back to The make time for success podcast. This is Episode 33. If you've got a lot of ideas, but you don't know how or when you're ever going to implement them, This episode is going to get you off that thinking treadmill and back into action. My special guest, Alan David is not just special because he's a prolific creator of opportunities, businesses and his 90x goal planning system. But he's also special because he's the first man ever to be interviewed on this show. My past students and clients have loved learning from Alan because he's a font of wisdom and strategies for setting and achieving your goals. And he's just a genuine communicator and person. So grab a pen and a piece of paper and let's dive into this special episode now. Hi, I'm Dr. Christine Li, and I'm a psychologist and a procrastination coach. I've helped 1000s of people move past procrastination and overwhelm so they can begin working to their potential. In this podcast, if you're going to learn a powerful strategies for getting your mind, body, and energy to work together, so that you can focus on what's really important, and accomplish the goals you want to achieve. When you start living within your full power, you're going to see how being productive can be easy, and how you can create success on demand. Welcome to the make time for success podcast. Hi, everyone, I am really excited today to welcome my good friends and fellow entrepreneur, Alan David to the show. He is a goal setting experts, and an entrepreneur and the creator of the 90x goal planning system. And again, I'm so excited to have you here. Alan, welcome.
ALoN David:
Thank you so much excited to be here.
Christine Li:
Could you tell our audience a little bit about how you got to be a creator? And your history in business? And a little bit more about yourself?
ALoN David:
Sure. So my name is Alon. I'm the creator and founder of 90x. Wow, I mean, as long as I remember, I've been in business, I mean, for at least for the past 25 years. I mean, when I moved here 26 years ago from Israel, I've been always in business, I've always created something from nothing, pretty much something that existed, and maybe it made it better. But I've always had my own system, my own way of doing it. And 2017 I decided to go all in and create the 90x goal planner, which back then was only one option with two different colors. But like every entrepreneur, and I didn't even know what entrepreneur was until I created my system. Because, you know, I think once you create something from nothing, that's what an entrepreneur is, in my opinion, but I procrastinated like everybody for three years. And I was like, you know what photographer back then which I also started from zero and I did construction before that when I started from zero and an insurance business we started from zero so everything I did was always or not always work for myself, but 2014 The idea came, you know, I need to take my system the way I've been developing my businesses and create a planner, but as we all procrastinate, or at least I did. I you know, start talking to myself And who am I to do this, who's gonna buy my product? I'm not an expert, who introduced me as an expert in gold say, and I believe that now back then I was like, What a crazy, there's no way it's 10 times more people than me that are better than me and just you know, that's what we do for three years and I'll just use his product and that product, anything not to do mine. And that's really what I think most people struggle is they don't believe in themselves are highly not that you actually go and create a product and after three years of procrastinating I decided that eventually you know just go ahead and create my system and just create the planner and just go and not wait for it to be perfect and do whatever I could to make that happen. And one of the first steps that I did is I hired a coach you know most people like don't believe in that but that's the first thing I did is I hired a coach that can hold me accountable. So this work and not not make this happen and just go all the way and that's the first thing first thing I did articles second thing is I work from worst case scenario, what's the worst that can happen if I put this product out and nobody buys it? You know, I kind of put the analogy, Okay, I'm gonna have 1000 planners is going to cost me about 10 grand total with my coach. waste of money, great, but at least I tried. That's the worst that can happen because that's it, what else can happen, right? And then the upside is, you know where we want to take it. So that's the way 90x was born. And that's it. Pretty much the story and then we're here today.
Christine Li:
Okay, wonderful. I don't think I remember you saying that you had three years of procrastination before. I've heard your story a few times. I'm so glad you mentioned that. Because maybe that is a natural part of launching something brand new into the world is feeling the fear, and feeling the doubt and thinking about the worst case scenarios a bit.
ALoN David:
Yeah, you know, look, I mean, I think I'm the type of guy if I have an idea, I'm gonna make that happen right now, especially in the past four years, like, if I have something that I want to do, it's going to happen right now. It's not going to happen next week, it's not gonna happen in a month, it's going to happen right now. And that's one of the things that I like about myself now, is that if I have an idea, and I believe in it, it's gonna happen right now, where before, if I had an idea, I would sit and dwell on it and think about it, and you know, who's gonna buy it, and I'm not an expert, and that guy is doing it, that other guy's doing it. But for me, it's when I started using my system completely in the planet format. If I have an idea, I make that happen, or I don't do it at all. And I think as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, you got to make that decision quick. Because if not, it's wasting time in your hard drive in your mind and your brain. And you're like, oh, should I do it? Should I not do it next week, if you're just not going to do this, don't do it at all and move on. And that's the way I at least believe and that's the way I work. And that's the way I was able to make things happen fairly quick.
Christine Li:
How were you able to drop that delay that period of delay? What what kind of thought transformations? Did you go through
ALoN David:
the three years of not doing it?
Christine Li:
Yeah. And and any other delays that you might have had in other businesses?
ALoN David:
Yeah, you know, because I, like I said, I need to make things happen. I didn't come from a house that, you know, my parents would give me 100,000 or 200. I had money. So I had to make that decision. I that transition between my construction company that I used to work for photography, I quit the job, or I got fired or whatever. I mean, I was always self subcontractor. But I stopped working with my uncle, archways. And I found myself without a job. So I had to make the decision right now. Am I going to go to the photography business or not? Because if not, I gotta go do something else. There is no, like, I didn't have an opportunity. Okay, I'll just go back to my parents house, and I'll chill until I figure it out. So for me, it was always a survival, like, I got to make it happen, because I got to pay I got to make things happen. And I think it's also when I came over here, the first three years, I picked up trash for $5.25. I didn't have an opportunity, like I didn't have I'll just go to college and do whatever, like family, like decided to this sleep in your car, you pick, you know, or sleep not even in the car. I didn't even have a car back then. I mean, it's always about making it happen. But more than that, it's like I said, it's like, I know we make that happen, or just don't deal with it at all. And that's why a lot of people that I coach right now, the one thing I ask them, are you committed to make this happening right now. Because if not, then I'm not the guy for you. Because I'm going to push you I'm going to push you so hard that you got to have to make that happen, or just don't do it all because I'm not a type coach, because I'm not just gonna sit and chit chat with you and pass the time just to collect money. That's not what I want to see results. And I want you to see the results. For me, it's all about taking action. And making it right now I also believe that a lot of us put things aside and it's like, well, we'll just do it next month. Because I'm too busy right now. And what's gonna happen next month, you're still gonna be busy, there's gonna be more things coming in your plate. So there's always more things coming. And I like I said, I'm a very firm believer like now is the time of doing anything that it is that you want to do anything to be just in business, you want to lose weight, you want to join the gym, go right now sign up like not me, what's the point? That's why one of the things of the planner is it's undated. So there's no excuse for you to say, Oh, I'm just gonna wait for Sunday, Monday, next month, New Year, whatever reasons that we give herself.
Christine Li:
I love it. And I like that part of the planner, because it focuses not on time, but on your decisions. What are you deciding to focus on and just keeping that front and center all the time? I like that.
ALoN David:
One more thing to this because I think it's very important. We often make decisions with other people, like we had the time meeting to meet today. And I have to honor that, right. And if I'm honoring everybody that I work with, I'm going to do this right now. But I send that email and I send that product, whatever, but I'm not honoring myself, then what does that really say about? You know, I mean, so that's a decision of like, if you want to do this, you do it right now, you kind of have to deal with yourself, which is very hard, but I think once you learn that you can just make it I think,
Christine Li:
Okay, great. That leads into my next question, which is about self doubt, because we can show up oftentimes for other people, but many people so many people then fail to show the same level of consistency when it comes to showing up for themselves. What do you say to people who are struggling to get 100% reliability with their own commitment to themselves?
ALoN David:
I think it goes back to the goal system that we created. And I think it's there. Why is the reason why do I even want to do that? Right? When you have a strong line of whatever your goal is, whether it's a goal basically, that you want to achieve, you want to do, and you don't do that, because you don't have a strong why you may be doing it, because 100,000 other people are doing it or 10,000 people, your friend is doing it. Or he said you should do that. Or you saw that guy over, you know, successful. And you don't have your own why. And I think having your own, why is the reason why we do things, and why we keep going. So I think when anybody is self doubting and self, they don't have a strong reason why they want to achieve that goal. That's my opinion.
Christine Li:
Okay, and then you would help them develop their why in your coaching system?
ALoN David:
Oh, definitely. It's one of the it's one of the questions that the planner asked you, we can go through the system itself. But finding your why some people say oh, just because it'll be nice to have a man Well, that's not a strong why. That's what other people have is really going that deep down inside. I think I even share though one of your players, places that we were at my strong way is to really build a synagogue and named after my grandfather. And that requires millions of dollars, you know, not 1000s, you know, millions of dollars to create. So that's my bigger, why. And therefore, that's my big why that pushes me to do all the small goals that I want to create, to get to that big massive goal.
Christine Li:
Yes, and that's a deep, meaningful, intergenerational honorable goal. I love it. So it really can ground you and keep you motivated and determined. And I think earlier, Alan was mentioning that he has taught some of my students in the past, I have students in my success craters Academy, and they just love it when Alan comes because he's so clear about how to attain what you want. And that's what I love about him, too. So Alan, could you do me a favor and share with us your goal setting philosophy and the steps that are in there?
ALoN David:
Sure, sure. So this now we're going to talk about I mean, it's doable in any way, you don't have to have to plan it, you can pick a piece of paper, you can write on a wall, we mentioned that many times already in your Academy. But the first thing is, have a vision of what it is that you actually want. And let's talk in 90 days what it doesn't matter what is 90 days, when you what is it that you actually want, you got to see that in your mind. Before whether you want to create a product or a course or a successful business, lose weight, buy a house, whatever it may be, you got to see that in your mind, you got to close your eyes and see that. And if you can't see that didn't work on that step first before you even commit to any goal, because that's very important. Because if you cannot see that in your mind, you just know a is going to happen. There's just no way. Because you don't even see what you want. Right? So the first thing is envision what it is that you want, be very clear about it. It's your freedom to create anything you want in your mind, you know, so there's no right or wrong. It's like, what is it that I want to create. So for instance, when I created the planner, I saw the planet completed, I didn't make it complicated, I want to see it in plan, I want to be on podcast, I want to have course, let him know No, like just that. Just bring it down to that one thing that you want to complete, don't worry about the rest, it's going to come in to focus on that one thing, and I saw the planet completed in my mind. And you know me using it, it was actually just going to serve me in the beginning because I wanted something to be organized. So don't worry about the risks. Once you can see that. I always tell my clients, it's create a screenshot in your mind, like the snap, that you can go through it multiple times throughout the day, you know, just a picture that, you know, if you feel like oh, I can look at slowdown breed, close your eyes, see the picture, keep going. And once you can do that, go through it multiple times rather than I mean, we also talk about vision boards. That's great. You can add more pictures as you go. But let's focus on that one thing, the second thing, then write down your goal, it's already completed. Not I would like to create a goal planner, I would like to create a course I would like to make 100,000 move forward three months from today. And write that goal down is it's already completed as you saw it in your mind, because those two have to align with each other. Does that make sense? I mean, I know we spoke about many times.
Christine Li:
Yes, you know, I understand this and it absolutely makes sense. I think seeing it in your hearts and mind. And then also making sure that you're speaking about it as if it's already completed makes total sense. Definitely.
ALoN David:
That's again when I close my class we're going to be more deeper in my members, but I will start adding to that is start showing up like that person right now. Okay, acting can be like the person that you achieved the goal not want to be there, right? If For instance, if you want it to be a seven figure CEO, you can't show up like a five figure CEO. Alright, so so the standing for a product, walk, walk, talk, think like the product is already done. Because if you're, if you're already see it, if you're writing your goal that way, there's no reason for you to show up any other way. So that's one thing. The third thing of that step is going back to that Why? Why do we want to achieve this goal? Why is creating this product so important to you? What's the Why not? Because again, if you're wise, because it'll be cool to have it, it's another more money for me I just, my friend has want whatever it is that you creating, that's not a strong why. Go deeper, go inside, make it give you chills, like I'm like, it's happening for me right now. It get the chills going, because that's going to really gonna help you when you're about to quit a week after you start to go. And to be so bad, you started cold because we're not gonna see results Three weeks later, four weeks later, and say, you know, this sucks. I'm just not gonna work. I'm just going to quit and start again. No, that's not the goal. You never change the goal, you always change the plan. I've said that many times, you never change a goal, you will change plan, the goal is just fine. But go down to you know your why spend time with it. Go deeper, keep adding to it. It's okay. But have a strong why. So when you're about to quit? You remember why that started?
Christine Li:
Absolutely, absolutely. And you're also reminding me that when you have this focus this level of focus in your life, that it also expands the amount of time you have for the other things that aren't even your goals, the things that are also really important in your life, like, I know, you treasure your family, and you share such beautiful family photos. And it seems like you have lots of time for yourself as well, which of course, is on purpose. And is a creation? Yes.
ALoN David:
Yeah, no, definitely I completely agree with us, as you know, being able to focus on what's important as change the way I show up as a person and as a father, for my kids. Like, I just want to spend as much time as I can with them. That's the most important thing to me, like business comes third, fourth, you know, where and most people is like, the first was like, and that's fine. I don't judge I'm just saying needs to be first moved to work 18 hours a day. But then I was like, Okay, well, there was a point, and I'm still getting to the same place. So it shifted in faster. So definitely being with my kids more time, the more I can, the better it is with my family, more important to me than business and anything else. So I kind of shifted the priorities. So once we have the vision, once we have the goal, once we showing up at the person once we have a strong why most people quit, right here this step? Because that step is what actions they willing to take towards the goal. That's a that's the question, what actions are you willing to take? And most people quit, because they said, Well, I don't know what action if I knew that I would have done it already. That's, that's the reason most people quit this, they look into the action, just write down a list of things that you think you can do, that will align and get you closer to God didn't say you have to do And right now, I didn't ask how you're going to get that happen. None of that we don't even use the word out. And the planet because we really don't care. We want you to list the list of things of action small or big, that you're willing to do towards your goal in the next 90 days, give or take. And I'm going to give this example because I think it makes sense. I mean, most of us are used to get into a car and drive from one city to the other. When you get like, for instance, when I drive from San Diego, to LA to San Diego, Santa Barbara, or wherever I just get into the car, and I know it's gonna take me approximately one hour, three hours depends on where I'm going. And that's it. And I know that along the way, I'm going to have the gas stations, the McDonald's the Starbucks the rest area, so I don't have to write them all down and know exactly when that's going to happen. The same thing for a goal. If my goal is to create the product, I know that my job is to start taking small steps and move forward and along the way the answers will get revealed for what it is that I'm looking for in need. And most people try to get all the answers right now I need all the steps right now, I need to have everything, it's just not gonna happen that way. So when you put it in that perspective, so if you know, I'm going to write small action, maybe today, I'm just going to look for my website URL, and then maybe tomorrow, I'm just gonna write down the product name, or maybe the third day, I'm just gonna reach for manufacturers or places do whatever and if you were doing an online course, or whatever it may be or starting a business. Maybe today I'm just going to write down and go see if my business name is actually available. That's an action towards your goal. Doesn't have to be big or small, though. Just one more action. Maybe today I'm just gonna see where I can host my course or whatever it is, again, people are working on if you buying a house I'm just saying this is pretty much a goal that I think 90% of the country would want to have at one point is buying a house. Maybe today I'm just gonna look at the air that will like to live in, maybe tomorrow, I'm just going to drive in that neighborhood, maybe I'm just going to look at a realtor, sign up for an email, just check what the interest rates are none of those required to know what it is. But it is when you start doing one step, and then another step, and then another step. And in the midst of now you're moving towards your goal. And the momentum is growing and growing and growing, and you're going to get closer and then some of the universe might open more doors, and send you some more things. And that's the way it feels the way it is to get closer to a goal. And when you taking the small action steps of them becoming create a momentum towards the goal.
Christine Li:
Yes, your coaching is very similar to mine, where you're either moving towards it or you're moving away. And we always know the difference. We can say we don't we can say that we're trying but you know, when you're moving closer to your goal, or when you're running from it. So I love your system. And it makes a lot of sense. And it's very clear why you're as successful as you are, could you give me a sense of what building this planner and bringing it to life into the market has done for you, personally, and in terms of just what it's done for your life?
ALoN David:
Yeah, I mean, I'm still working, thank you for calling me successful, I still want to be more and more and for me success. I mean, I want to talk about the word successful, because I think most people think, first of all, define what success means to you. You know, because I think it's very important that people understand like, what is success means to me, for me successful, is not worrying about any bills, and be able to pay whatever I need to and then spending more time and more time as I can with my family. That's what successful means to me. For some of the ones maybe having a mention or God, whatever, maybe. But define was successful means to you, when I have to be honest, before it was all about having more money and making more money. So that shifted with time. The planner, what it did to me is helped me help other people be successful started the business changed your life. These other reviews, though, I love reading, as this planner helped me and change my life, I was able to be more focused, I'm able to spend more time with my family. And those are the things that a planner has done for me more than that, it's also was able, for me to just I wanted to change time for money as a photographer, I was very successful. I was making over $350,000 a year as a photographer, and if you're a photographer, it's 80% profit, which is huge. But I was trading time for money because I had to show up on Saturday and Sunday and shoot for 12 hours and and then meet with the clients and then edit the photos. And then it's no matter how much you make your trading time for money. And that's something that I didn't want to do, especially because I knew that no more, I'm going to have any more time deposit into my bank account. So I wanted to make sure I replaced that. And for creating the planner that kind of helped me achieve that goal is no longer trading time for money.
Christine Li:
That's huge, too. That's a big win. And I think, by your own definition of what success is, I think you are very much a success. So I'm very happy to give you that title. Okay, wonderful. What kind of advice would you give to someone with a fledgling idea? And who is just at the very early stages of of thinking about this, but beginning to develop their commitment? What top tips would you have for them?
ALoN David:
The first thing I would do if you have an idea if you want to create something, if you want to put it out there and so you know, today's the day, first of all, is commit, are you ready to really make this happen and decide with yourself, you don't have to have an approval from anybody. I created this and I didn't ask for anybody's approval. I just went ahead and create it. So first of all, have a deal with yourself. Am I really willing to do this? Yes. Second thing is, like I said, the first thing I did is hire to coach you know, hire someone and doesn't have to be in that industry of what it is that you're creating. But somebody that you like admire that they think that can push you and help you go forward, hire that coach make that investment in yourself and will pay back. The third thing is I work from worst case scenario because this would help me eliminate what I want to do or not. So whatever it is that you want to create, whatever the idea is in your in your new stages you starting put that together, what is it going to cost me? How long is it going to take me? Who am I going to serve? Who am I going to help? How is this going to benefit me put that together and understand that like the worst because most people think their biggest fears? Nobody's going to buy? I don't know maybe right, maybe different in your community, but it's like, nobody's going to buy my stuff. I'm going to put it out there and nobody's gonna open the email, nobody's gonna buy I don't have a list, whatever. And you just don't start so you already failed if you didn't get started. And that's really what I would say is understand what's the worst that could happen. And once you eliminate what's the worst 99.9 people get started. Because like, okay, that's the worst. So I'm going to spend this and nobody great Now I can get going. And for me, those are the steps and the advice I would give anybody.
Christine Li:
Great, great advice. great tips, thank you, you make me think that most people stay stuck because they fear loss of some kind. So loss of income, like they're the $10,000 investment, loss of time, loss of ease, because they're gonna have to struggle in some way to get this new thing into the world. But what they're failing to calculate, is what they're losing, if they don't start, yes, the cost of inaction is what we call it in our industry. So my dear listeners, if you have that dream, and it's a real dream in your heart, it's meaningful to you, it can help a few people in the world. Alan and I are here to let you know that you have a clear pathway forward. So go for it. Don't let your fears prevent you from bringing newness into this world. We all need your ideas.
ALoN David:
Exactly. Fear is just there to keep you safe experience side your box on what you're comfortable with. And that's it. And you're exactly right. You know, I would agree with you. I mean, I think people are trying to get all the answers upfront, the one on everything, all the risks, everything before they get going. And that's okay. I mean, it's understood because we've been used to being in this space or our square our bubble that we live in, that we're comfortable. But once we step out, it's uncomfortable. And it takes time to build that habit, right? That lifestyle, once you do something uncomfortable, over and over again, becomes part of your lifestyle. And it just that's one step. And then, you know, I think I see I see this post all the time on Instagram, it's like two ladders, one with huge steps, and one with short steps, right? You've seen it probably, right? It's not. But it's the same way. It's like, john tried to take those big steps than before just small steps. Just wants that when we started 90x when I started selling from my garage with my kids, they were packing in, we will live I'm seriously I kid you not. And I was working as a photographer. And my thing was always just the black and white. And now we have so many different options, the goal plan and the action plan, the launch plan, the pens, the notebooks, the courses, the coaching, I never even thought about being on podcast, I've been on over 150 different podcasts. I didn't even know what a podcast was to be honest, three years ago, four years ago, wasn't in my I was a photographer, what do I know? You know, and just be open to receiving, and meeting and networking. And just let Don't worry about all this stuff. Just take that one step everyday step one step, but not this familiar step, a new step. Because if you're doing things over and over again, you can have the same result. So just a new step, the uncomfortable step, every day moving forward. And eventually I believe that the universe is going to guide you in the right direction. And that's about it. But I want to share this and I think it's about failure. Maybe it doesn't touch but I think it does touch with your quote with Brian, which I used to love. And listen, I think I shared this with you guys as well, he would always watch his losing games, never watches winning games, he would always was losing so he can know what not to repeat. Again, and a lot of us would fear, fear, you know, and failure, because we don't want to do that mistake again. Well, if you don't actually open up and look at it and study that, then you wouldn't know what not to do. Again, you will be doing it over and over. So I think very important to know,
Christine Li:
thank you. Not only did you create the 90x goal planning system, but you also I think, market living a life with chills, that you want to do things you want to create excitement, you want to chase the excitement, you want to develop an exciting life for yourself. So thank you for sharing all of this with us today. Could you give us a few details about the actual planner? What is inside? What do you get when you would purchase one.
ALoN David:
So we have three different versions of the planet, but the whole, it's the same concept. Basically, you have a place to put your vision is you can put some pictures in it. But it starts with What's your goal? Why do you want to create this goal? What actions you willing to take very minimalistic. And then every day, it's pretty much asking you what it is that you're willing to do today to get to your goal. And the reason I'm saying that I'm giving you a very small obviously, as you know, the planet has a lot more if you use the launch planner, it has even more. And each planner is different. So the launch planner is for really entrepreneurs that want to focus on one goal because a lot of us, we want to do so many things. We want to have this goal and that goal and all at the same time. And then we quit because we get overwhelmed. So the launch plan is for really to the person with one goal that want to make that happen and move the needle. But one of the things that I love about my product and I think that it's very different. It doesn't just ask you what your goal is. It's actually going to be accountable. Buddy, your friend that's going to help you and remind you take one action every day towards a goal. It's also very minimalistic, you don't have to go to college because I didn't go, you don't have to go to college to fill up the planner, you can just start with five minutes a day. And if you're doing more than five, you're actually doing it wrong. So it's very minimalistic write down what it is. And they take that action. I think one thing that the verb to mention, don't confuse yourself between actions towards your goals, to do your to do list, most people confuse that thing, if they have 30 items, and just scratch them off. They're so scared, and then that are so tired. And I felt like I didn't do anything. Well, if it felt like it didn't do anything is because you didn't do anything. You just focus on things that don't matter. And you're laughing, because I'm assuming that's true. And that's really what the planner is there for you is to really help you separate the two to do list is things that anybody else could do for you, you can delegate or maybe don't even matter, I don't have a to do list. And if I have one, I hand it off to Zoey and scratch off whatever it is that you need to do. I just want to focus on that 123 big items up towards my goal, and they have to line up. Remember what I said at the beginning, everything has to line up your vision, your goal, your actions, your small actions, and you'll want everything has to line up. If they don't line up, you're moving in the wrong direction. And that's okay, you just have to come back to the right path. So don't confuse actions towards a goal that move the needle towards a goal. And to do this because most people spend 80% of the time on you to do this, in my opinion.
Christine Li:
Yes, I think I asked you to be on this show just so I can get extra coaching from you. So thank you for all of this wisdom, the chills, the description of the goal planning system and the description for the 90x. planner. Could you describe to people how to follow you? And also to keep in touch with you and how to get that 90x planner in their own hands?
ALoN David:
Sure. So are our planners available on 90 Nine 0x that co it's our site and you can go over there and get your product and I think be you'll be sure discount code with you.
Christine Li:
You did you gave me the code make time 25 the number 25
ALoN David:
perfect, so make time 25 is a discount code for your listeners if you decide to get one. I love to use Instagram. So it's 90x goal planner on Instagram. I would love for you guys to follow if you have any questions, feel free to DM me. But that those places that hang around my website that help us and Instagram as well you probably see a lot of photos of my kids because that's all my personal account because I love sharing those as well.
Christine Li:
And they are beautiful, beautiful photos from this professional photographer and wonderful father. He does. Thank you so much, Alan, it's always a pleasure, love working with you. I'm sure we're gonna continue in the future and my listeners please follow Alan. His work is beautiful. Thank you so much. Good luck with your goals. And we'll see you soon. Thank you for listening to this episode of The make time for success podcast. If you enjoyed what you've heard, you can subscribe to make sure you get notified of upcoming episodes. You can also visit our website make time for success for past episodes, show notes and all the resources we mentioned on the show. Feel free to connect with me over on Instagram too. You can find me there under the name procrastination coach. Send me a DM and let me know what your thoughts are about the episodes you've been listening to. And let me know any topics that you might like me to talk about on the show. I'd love to hear all about how you're making time for success. Talk to you soon.

ALoN David
90X® Founder and Goal Setting Expert
Goal setting expert, entrepreneur, and 90X® Founder & CEO, ALoN, has created multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses from nothing.
In 2017, after multiple hugely successful businesses, he decided to finally launch 90X®. He built the 90X® Planner System because that was the system he used to build his other businesses, and was tired of never having everything organized and in one place.
He took all of his experience, knowledge, creativity and molded it into one minimalistic goal planner to help people reach their goals in 90 days - and 90X® was born!
90X® started as a product company selling one planner (with 2 color options). Fast forward to today: 90X® is a coaching company that happens to sell multiple 90 day planners!
90X®'s mission is to help people reach their goals - whether you be an entrepreneur, unemployed, employed, or a stay-at-home-parent. We believe everyone can achieve their goals in 90 days - with the right system.