Aug. 1, 2024

Unlock Your Inner Strength: Meditation for Self-Trust and Empowerment

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Welcome to a special meditation episode of the Make Time For Success podcast! Join host Christine Li, as she guides you through a powerful meditation designed to help you embrace patience, trust yourself, and up-level your entire operating system. This meditation will focus on quieting the mind, regulating your emotions, and making empowered decisions. Drawing inspiration from insightful quotes by Jon Kabat-Zinn, David Lynch, and Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, Christine emphasizes the importance of connecting with your inner wisdom and strength. Whether you're seeking to improve your habits, manage stress, or plan for the future, this meditation will empower you to become the confident creator of your reality. Download this episode, revisit it often, and remember, you are capable, deserving, and ready for success!


00:00 Meditation helps us observe thoughts and find peace.

03:57 Regular meditation peels away stress, returns to authenticity.

08:45 Acceptance, strength, progress, release, visualization, letting go.

12:25 Embrace change, create reality with positive mindset.

For a summary of this meditation, visit:

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Dr. Christine Li [00:00:00]:
Welcome back to the Make Time For Success podcast. This is episode number 190. I am so excited to share this episode with you because I've created a meditation for you so that you can unburden yourself from anything that might be holding you back. Thoughts, feelings, old habits, whatever it is, this meditation was created just to help you take off that layer, that layer of resistance, that layer of difficulty, that layer of stress so that you can return to yourself and see what you need and then go from there. Again, I'm really excited to share this one with you. This will help you if you're trying to change your habits, trying to up level your performance, or just feel more like yourself again. Let's go listen to this episode together now. Hi.

Dr. Christine Li [00:00:59]:
I'm Dr. Christine Li, and I'm a psychologist and a procrastination coach. I've helped thousands of people move past procrastination and overwhelm so they could begin working to their potential. In this podcast, you're going to learn powerful strategies for getting your mind, body, and energy to work together so that you can focus on what's really important and accomplish the goals you want to achieve. When you start living within your full power, you're going to see how being productive can be easy and how you can create success on demand. Welcome to the Make Time for Success podcast. Hi, and welcome to this special meditation episode on the Make Time For Success podcast. I've created a meditation to help you focus on embracing patience for yourself while also up leveling your entire operating system, the part of you that is responsible for making behaviors, taking action, doing better, making decisions, regulating your emotional system, that entire important operating system is what we're going to focus on today. And we're going to use meditation as the vehicle because meditation can be so calming, so clarifying, and can give you the boost that you need to trust yourself that much more deeply.

Dr. Christine Li [00:02:33]:
I'm gonna start us off before the actual meditation with a few quotes that I've collected to help you understand the way that meditation actually works. The first quote is from Jon Kabat-Zinn, who beautifully said, meditation is not about stopping thoughts, but recognizing that we are more than our thoughts and our feelings. I think this is such an important quote because so often, we feel trapped by our thoughts and our feelings as if the things that are coursing through our brains and bodies every day are like prescriptions for us instead of passing thoughts and feelings. So this perspective helps us to understand that through meditation, we can take a step back or we can take a step up and observe what we're thinking and feeling and make better sense of that process so we can operate from a sense of peace and clarity instead of a sense of, oh my goodness. What's about to happen next? I'm so panicked. Let's get away from that anxiety mode and move into clarity mode. The second quote that I have for you is from David Lynch, the renowned filmmaker and meditation advocate. He said, the thing about meditation is you become more and more you.

Dr. Christine Li [00:03:57]:
By engaging in regular meditation practice, what we do is we practice peeling away the layers of stress and everything that the world wants us to concentrate on, and we return to ourselves. We return to that part of ourselves that is very basic, that is very clear, that is very raw and very authentic, and then we can decide what we're gonna focus on, what we wanna store in our memory, what we want to take action on, and how. And I think that quote is a beautiful one. I would love for us to really enjoy this process of meditation together so that you feel more like yourself. The last quote that I have comes from Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati who said, quiet the mind and the soul will speak. Now this quote is about how when we quiet our minds through meditation, our inner wisdom, our inner knowing, that inner guidance or GPS system that we each have can have room to surface. We can hear and receive messages from ourselves that will guide us towards feeling better, towards making better decisions, towards knowing what we actually really care about and what we want to see happen in the world. Even if the world sometimes doesn't cooperate, at least we will know what our center guidance system really has in store for us and what we are hoping to see in our lives and in the world.

Dr. Christine Li [00:05:30]:
So as we move into this meditation that I've crafted for you, please keep these quotes in mind. Please keep an open mind because these quotes remind us that meditation can really help us to connect ourselves with ourselves on a much deeper level. Alright. Let's begin and let's start by helping you find a comfortable position. You can be seated, you can be lying down. I'm someone who tends to be really flexible about these things, and sometimes I just meditate while I'm doing my grooming routine in the morning. So you choose what you need to do, but certainly try to get more comfortable. Now close your eyes and take a deep breath in, fill your lungs completely, hold it for a moment, and then exhale slowly.

Dr. Christine Li [00:06:25]:
By doing this, you can let go of any tension that you're holding in your body. Repeat this process a few times, allowing each breath to bring you into a deeper state of relaxation. As you settle into this beautiful space, imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, comforting, beautiful light. This light represents your inner wisdom and strength, guiding you on your journey of self improvement. And remember to take those breaths. Now, take a moment to acknowledge the current stressors in your life. You may have desires to improve your health and establish healthier habits, such as better eating, better sleeping patterns. Whatever it is, acknowledge the current needs that you have.

Dr. Christine Li [00:07:36]:
You may be concerned about the well-being of people in your life. You might be worried about other things, like your finances or your job, or you might be anxious about the future. Whatever it is, have peace with these concerns, knowing that you can be distracted by them, but you can return to yourself even with them in your world. And know that you can accept these concerns because they're a natural part of your everyday experience. And remember to take a deep breath. And now we can see that in spite of these challenges and concerns that you may have, that you can always remember that you can move through these challenges and experiences with ease. You can do that by practicing acceptance. Acceptance means accepting what is the current situation, accepting what is without giving up, without surrendering your power.

Dr. Christine Li [00:08:45]:
It means acknowledging that what is happening is going on, but that you have the strength to cope with it, to make the most of it, to fix it, to move through it. This acceptance allows you to determine the best way to handle the situation and make progress from there. Let's take another deep breath. Now, let's focus on allowing your old patterns to leave you without any stress, resistance, or conflict. Any patterns that cause you to procrastinate or to feel like you're not good enough, or to worry about the future too much, we're gonna let these go right now. And the way we're gonna do that is we're gonna visualize those old habits as if they were patterns of clouds in the sky. They may have served a purpose in the past, and oftentimes, they really have been very important to your good functioning in the past. But now, you've decided it's time to let them drift away like clouds in the sky.

Dr. Christine Li [00:10:03]:
As you watch each cloud float by in your mind, feel a sense of peace, of relief, and freedom. You now understand your true power. You are now comfortable with change. You now know that you are responsible for your own choices. You are grateful for that responsibility, and you are excited to adopt this new role in your life. You're excited to make great choices going forward to up level your behaviors and to see really wonderful outcomes as a result. With each new breath, feel yourself feeling more empowered, and stepping into a new era of trusting yourself. This trust is the foundation of all your operations moving forward.

Dr. Christine Li [00:11:10]:
You are now the captain of your ship, guiding it with confidence and clarity. You can anticipate success, joy, well-being, calm, and expansion in this next new phase of your life. You are ready for this phase. There's no big jump involved. You've been thinking about self improvement this entire time. And even though the future is not fully known or certain yet, you understand that does not mean it will be negative. In fact, as you assume total responsibility for your operating system and your actions moving forward, you expect and anticipate that everything will be happening for your benefit, for your highest vision, for the fun and expansion of your life. And this responsibility that you're taking will help things to materialize in your life as quickly as possible.

Dr. Christine Li [00:12:25]:
Now, I want you to repeat this mantra to yourself, allowing its truth to deeply resonate with you. I am the creator of my reality, embracing change with trust and confidence. Again, it is, I am the creator of my reality, embracing change with trust and confidence. Now imagine in co creating your future with the universe, which moves more quickly because of the work you've been doing with yourself, with your mindset, with your calm, and with your vision. Feel the excitement of this collaboration with the universe, knowing that you are supported and guided every step of the way. As you continue to relax, recognize that you are now a conscious creator of your reality and your day to day experience. In the past, you may not have fully assumed this role influenced by society's teachings and others' expectations. This is completely understandable, But now, it's clear to you that the best way to elevate your performance and your experience is to take charge of your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions with a positive, confident mindset.

Dr. Christine Li [00:14:06]:
You have the power to shape your reality in ways that bring you joy and fulfillment. Now let's take a couple deep breaths. Now you are aware that your mindset and your energy are your greatest tools. These are your tools to move forward with, to thrive with in both the high moments and in the challenging ones. Embrace this knowledge and let it empower you to navigate all of life's ups and downs with grace and resilience. Repeat after me. I am the creator of my reality, embracing change with trust and confidence. Again, I am the creator of my reality, embracing change with trust and confidence.

Dr. Christine Li [00:15:14]:
As we come to the end of this meditation, take a few more deep breaths. With each inhale, draw in the strength, confidence, and peace that you have cultivated. And with each exhale, release any remaining doubts, fears, or stress. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and bring your awareness back to the present moment. Thank yourself for taking the time for taking care of yourself. Remember, you are the creator of your reality. Trust yourself, embrace the changes that you will see, and look forward to the wonderful experiences and growth for you that lie ahead. Thank you for joining me in this meditation.

Dr. Christine Li [00:16:14]:
Keep this tucked away, download the episode, store it, repeat it, listen to it again, share it with a friend and know that as you go throughout your day, that you are capable, you are strong, you are magical, and you are deserving of all the success that's about to come your way. Before we leave, I want to share with you that I've done a summary of this meditation for you to print out as a free download, and you can get that summary by going to Again, that's https://maketimefor I'm so glad we could do this together. I will see you next week. Thank you for listening to this episode of the Make Time For Success podcast. If you enjoyed what you've heard, you can subscribe to make sure you get notified of upcoming episodes. You can also visit our website, make time for success for past episodes, show notes, and all the resources we mention on the show.

Dr. Christine Li [00:17:25]:
Feel free to connect with me over on Instagram too. You can find me there under the name procrastination coach. Send me a DM and let me know what your thoughts are about the episodes you've been listening to. And let me know any topics that you might like me to talk about on the show. I'd love to hear all about how you're making time for success. Talk to you soon.