From Self-Doubt to Limitless Self Belief: Shifting Your Identity for the Better with Jess O'Connell

Our identity consists of who we are, the type of people we surround ourselves with, the things we enjoy, our values and beliefs, and sometimes...the things people say about us. The pressure and weight of what others think of you can be strong opponents in the process of finding your true identity. Self-doubt can creep in and stunt us further. So, how do we stop these thoughts and find our true selves? What beliefs and stories are you telling yourself that prevent you from being you and arriving at the place you want to be?

This week, Jess O’Connell speaks to us about her self-identity journey, the struggles she faced along the way, and how she was able to find herself and arrive at fulfillment and success in her work. She will teach us how she decided that no one else was going to be in control of her circumstances, and how she overcame all the negative voices in her head. You’ll hear all about the day where everything clicked for her, and how her journey officially began as a business owner. 

Jess O’Connell is a Launch Coach and she helps online coaches and course creators scale their audience and influence through launching.

If you didn’t doubt yourself, or hold yourself back because of what others might think of you, what type of person do you think you would be?


[8:16] Jess’s self-identity journey. 

[15:37] Treat a new experience like moving to a new city.

[18:03] Embodying a new identity in order to move forward and find success. 

[25:57] How Jess has helped creators increase their influence as a Launch Coach.


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