When you begin to accept who you truly are, you begin to expand and grow. I’m not referring to the things others think you are, but you, the real you -- the you that you believe is your truest self. It’s when we begin to list...
Sometimes being a people-pleaser is just NOT fun. Sure, we may get excited at the chance to help someone or work really hard to get the satisfaction of a job well done, but at what cost? We’ve all had that dreaded feeling, ha...
Figuring out who you really are and being able to be and act as the truest version of yourself can be so powerful in any and all areas of your life. When Carrie Hamm figured out living and breathing the corporate scene for ov...
Imagine what your life would be like if you only greenlit your ideas. No red lights, no one telling you what you “should” do. What do you think would happen? Shelby Stanger is no stranger to fueling her wildest ideas. A seaso...
Our identity consists of who we are, the type of people we surround ourselves with, the things we enjoy, our values and beliefs, and sometimes...the things people say about us. The pressure and weight of what others think of ...
How can I use my voice to feel successful and achieve success? “Nice girls can’t be loud.” “Women must be professional in the workplace.” “People won’t like you if you speak up.” Sound familiar? For some time, I didn’t realiz...