We’ve all heard the phrase, “You’re your own worst critic.” Those feelings you can’t quite shake off -- the fear of judgment, embarrassment, or showing who we really are -- they stop us from growing and doing the things we wa...
We all have fears that stop us from doing, achieving, and succeeding. Even after years of training myself, I still have fears and worries just like everyone else! I’ve learned from being a psychologist that worrying doesn’t d...
Ask yourself, “If I had the courage to be real with myself and set boundaries with my work, could I?” We have all been in a place where our work seems to take priority over our lives or perhaps you’re currently stuck in that ...
Envisioning the life you want can be daunting and can even generate self-limiting thoughts. But what if I told you that there are tools to quiet that voice inside your head and that it’s possible to have the courage to start...
This week is all about making procrastination stop in its tracks! I’ll be introducing ALL of the elements of the SMACK Solution and how you can start incorporating it into your everyday life. I’ll also be introducing some of ...